雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a funny situation that made you laugh

小站整理2017-08-09 11:44:59

摘要:本文话题:a person who can use/speak a second language,范文出自英国前考官之手,表达地道,和国内的参考书的模板答案相比,着实让人眼前一亮。速速膜拜,速速大快朵颐吧。建议烤鸭们着重学习考官如何自然地组织句子,段落,让整个答案浑然一体,且完美地回应整个话题。



Describe a funny situation that made you laugh. You should say

when this situation took place

what happened

how you reacted and why you found the situation funny.


I'm going to talk about a funny thing that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I think it was a Saturday morning, and I was sitting having a coffee in a cafe near where I live.

I was on my own so I decided to read the newspaper while drinking my coffee. I must have been quite engrossed in what I was reading because the time passed quickly, and I suddenly realized that I needed to get going. What I didn't realize was that I had been sitting with my legs crossed, and one of my legs had completely gone to sleep. As I stood up to leave the cafe, I quickly became aware that my left leg was 'dead', but it was too late; I started to fall. I thought I could catch myself on the table, but the table tipped over and I fell to the floor in front of everyone in the cafe!

I can remember being on my knees in the middle of the cafe, looking up at the staff and customers around me. I felt really embarrassed and I expected the other people to find it funny, but to my surprise nobody was laughing. They were all worried that something really bad had happened to me! As I got up from the floor, I had to explain to the whole cafe that I was fine. I was embarrassed at the time, but I laughed about it later!






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