雅思口语题库Part2范文之:an English lesson that you have taken(一节英语课)

小站整理2017-08-04 10:27:01

摘要:带来雅思口语题库话题part2考官范文:一节英语课(Describe an English lesson that you have taken)内容有关外教课,范文用词地道,逻辑连贯,适用于各类考生。口语复习强势助攻口语提分,考试在即,速速修炼,召唤7分神龙,从此分手雅思。

本文带来雅思口语话题高分范文:Describe an English lesson that you have taken(一节英语课),范文有关我的外教用简单却幽默的英语与我们进行了一次自由交谈,很大程度上,大多数学生积极主动地与他互动,整个课的气氛都很活跃。这堂课提升了我对学习英语的兴趣。唯有词汇量丰富且用词地道,表达流畅的考生才能赢得考官青睐。口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。学习模仿雅思口语范文要点有3:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。话不多说,口语范文自取:


返回本话题汇总:Describe an English lesson that you have taken(英语课),获取更多版本范文

You should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

how you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit





Ok right then, well the English lesson I‘m gonna talk about is the one I had during my primary school, which I guess must have been about ten or eleven years ago by now.

It was the first time that I was given a class by a foreign teacher. At that time,our English teacher introduced an American young guy to us. Out of curiosity, most of us swarmed around him. Then, he had a free talk with us in simple but humorous English. He spoke quite slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well. Meanwhile,he would repeat just in time what students did not understand. Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in asking him questions and interacting with him.So the atmosphere was quite alive during the whole class. And... I have to say that through this lesson, we all improve our oral English and the courage to speak another language other than our mother tongue.

When comparing this to most of the classes we had at that time, where we basically just went through the textbook and took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, and of course, meaningful. Actually, from this lesson, I came to the conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English if we talk more in it And L also learned that English can act as an interesting and useful tool in communications with foreigners if we’re good at it.


地道用词:Out of curiosity


高分句型:When comparing this to most of the classes we had at that time, where we basically just went through the textbook and took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, and of course, meaningful.

Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in asking him questions and interacting with him.







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