雅思口语题库part2话题范文:a café that you have been to

小站教育2017-06-05 14:29:32

摘要:与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,冲7正当下。​本文口语part2话题:Describe a café that you have been to咖啡馆。

Hey,烫手的雅思口语话题范文来啦!小站雅思君就是这么的有效率,这两天都是潜心于最新口语题目的整理与范文的编纂,动次打次,5-8月要考试的同学们来收题啦!9分范文,仅供参考,推荐大家整理属于自己的故事、观点与经历。本文话题:Describe a café that you have been to.咖啡馆。


You should say

- where it is

- why you went there

- what you ate or drank

- and explain why you liked or disliked the café.


I’m going to describe a café that I go to maybe once a week. It’s just down the road from where I live, near Manchester, so it’s really convenient for me to walk down there for a coffee or a bite to eat, and to use the wifi.

The last time I went to this local café was on Friday afternoon. I was trying to do some work at home, but I found myself getting distracted by little jobs around the house. So I decided to have a change of scenery; I put my laptop in its bag and made the short walk to the café, where I spent the next few hours getting all of my work done. With a nice cup of coffee and just the right level of background noise, I found it much easier to concentrate.

Over the course of the afternoon, I drank two cups of coffee and a glass or two of water. The café owner takes a lot of pride in making the best ‘flat white’ coffee in the area, so that’s what I tend to drink. If I remember correctly, the second coffee that I ordered was a decaf, because I try to avoid drinking too much caffeine in the afternoon. I didn’t have anything to eat on that occasion, but I do sometimes have one of the home-made cakes that they sell.

There are a few reasons why I like going to my local café. I suppose the main reasons are the coffee, the free wifi and the friendly staff. However, on Friday I also managed to sit at my favourite table near one of the windows, and the café wasn’t very busy. So the atmosphere and noise level were just right, and I was able to focus on my work without distractions for most of the afternoon.







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