17年5-8月雅思口语p2话题答案:your favourite weather

小站整理2017-06-05 13:13:23

摘要:与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。一转眼,雅思口语进入了5-8月的新一轮话题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,冲7正当下。​本文口语part2话题:Describe your favourite weather喜欢的天气。

雅思口语话题Describe your favourite weather喜欢的天气

You should say:

what kind of weather it is

when this weather usually occurs

what you usually do during this weather

how this weather affects you

and explain why you like this type of weather.



Ok, well I’d say my favourite weather would have to be sunny weather, which I guess is the same for most people.

And as for when this weather usually occurs, well unfortunately, not often enough! Because where I’m from, it seems to rain the whole time, and when it’s not raining, the sky’s usually quite cloudy, so we don’t really get all that much sun in my hometown, but hopefully this year will be a bit better – fingers crossed!

Anyway, regarding what I usually do when it’s sunny, well I guess it probably depends on how much free time I have. So I mean, if I only have a little bit of free time, then I might just go for a walk around my neighbourhood or chill out for a bit in the gardens of my apartment complex. And if I have more time, then I might arrange to play some tennis or basketball with a few friends, although if it’s too hot then I probably wouldn’t bother.

And with regard to how this kind of weather affects me, well basically, I’d say it normally always puts me in a good mood. So for example, waking up with the sun shining through the windows is always a great feeling, as I’m sure you’ll agree. And another thing to mention would be that the traffic usually tends to be better on sunny days than rainy days, so it means that I can get to work quicker. It’s funny, because it always seems that there are more cars on the road on rainy days, which I can never quite figure out!

Anyway, finally then, as for why I like sunny weather the most, well, I suppose it’s really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that there are generally more things you can do when the sun's out, like playing sport and walking around outside without getting wet! And as I mentioned a bit earlier, it’s much easier getting around when it’s sunny, for example, the roads are less congested and it’s normally a lot easier to find a taxi, as you may have found out yourself!

So yeah, I guess that pretty much sums it up, and I wish I could wake up to a bright sunny day every morning!






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