1-4月雅思口语Part3话题范文:Describe a cafe you enjoyed

小站教育2017-04-07 14:39:18

摘要:新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。雅思口语进入了4月,新一轮话题季(5-8月)在眼前,留给大家的时间不多了,小站雅思为大家整理出part3话题的范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。​本文口语part3话题:Describe a cafe you enjoyed(喜欢的咖啡馆)。

1-4月雅思口语题库已狰容毕现,雅思口语考试的规律决定了,这些题目将在4月里,成为你的雅思口语通关的噩梦!但小站懂你更懂雅思,以下为你带来原创高分范文。关于Describe a cafe you enjoyed(喜欢的咖啡馆)话题的part3部分共4个问题答案。答案仅供示范参考!



1.Why do people like café?

The softly-furnished cafes which served tasty and refreshing coffee were a world away from greasy-spoon joints, and actually encouraged customers to linger. Drinking coffee was also seen as a way to emulate the cosmopolitan New York lifestyles showcased in hugely popular sitcoms like Friends or Seinfeld. The popularity of café culture was further cemented by the emergence of the digital age, when laptops, mobile phones, and later tablets, freed some workers from their desk.

2.When people want to have discussion, why do they prefer café to restaurant?

unlike the traditional restaurants, a café, such as Starbucks is what urban planners call a third place, which is neither home or work but a neutral community space where people can meet on an equal footing. A cup of coffee may be a bit costly, you can really rent yourself a pleasant, inviting living room where you can stay for a while and meet with friends or work colleagues. the surroundings are comfy, quiet and laid back where great discussion can happen.

3.What kinds of people would like to go to café?

First of all, The Stressed Out Student. We've all been this person: Cramming for an exam on a laptop, trying frantically to finish a term paper, and chugging so much black coffee that we're convinced the stuff is actually running through our veins. And all so the business type, Like the Time Killer, they'll spend their entire time in the coffee shop tapping away at their phone.

4.Will café be popular in the future?

yes, the café culture emerges in parallel with some big changes in how people live, work and interact. Urban planners speak of a “third place” which is neither home nor work, but a neutral community space where people can meet on an equal footing. And the café is a best choice. In the future, more and more people will consider coffee shops to be their second office/study as they can use the space to relax and unwind, write articles, draft new ideas or improve the existing ones, read, browse the Internet, pay the bills, manage various accounts, maintain blogs and social media accounts, plan the day, eat, and finally enjoy coffee.





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