1-4月雅思口语Part3话题范文: interesting speech

小站教育2017-04-07 11:22:20

摘要:新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。雅思口语进入了4月,新一轮话题季(5-8月)在眼前,留给大家的时间不多了,小站雅思为大家整理出part3话题的范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。​本文口语part3话题: an interesting speech that yo were given(有趣演讲).

1-4 雅思口语题库已狰容毕现,雅思口语考试的规律决定了,这些题目将4月里,成为你的雅思口语通关的噩梦!但小站懂你更懂雅思,以下为你带来原创高分范文。关于Describe an interesting speech that you were given(有趣演讲)话题的part3部分共5个问题答案。答案仅供示范参考!



1.What are the differences between a political speech and a speech given by a non-political person?

I think these days there seems to be a blurred line between the both, because even politicians give speeches where they talk of the benefits of the listener. But, on a very close notice, I would say a speech given by a political person has lot of promises involved but the one by a non-political person tends to have lot of examples of how things were done and how you might follow them.

2.What are the important aspects of a good speech?

I think a good speech is the one that strikes you in your heart and forms an impression that lasts forever. I remember listening to Barack Obama’s speech and it was so wow, that you felt so much connected to it. There was a great content that he had written but apart from that they way he delivered the speech was beyond imagination. It was as if he was on a one to one conversation with the millions of people sitting over there. So, I think a good speech is not just a great content but also the way the person delivers it.

3.What do you think makes a person a good speech giver?

A lot of practice makes someone perfect in anything and that is what I believe in. I think if there is someone who wants to really give good speech than he or she should practice a lot and when giving a speech it should not be that you are trying to tell someone something, so the focus shouldn't be on making the other person listen but on making sure that you speak from the heart and when that happens, people do listen automatically.

4.Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?

Quite possibly because it’s something they don’t do very often, or it might even be the first time they are doing it. It’s one of those things that the more you do the better at doing it you become – but the first couple of times can be nerve-racking if you’re not used to standing up and talking in front of people.

However, if you do it regularly, it’s surprising just how quickly you can begin to feel comfortable speaking in public in front of people you don’t know. Like anything really, practice makes perfect, and you soon learn lots of little tricks and things to help you deal with any nerves, or unforeseen circumstances.

5.How can they improve their public speaking skills?

So, one of the easiest ways to become better at speaking in public is to practice. Now, clearly it’s not that easy to find a large group of people to speak to whenever you want to practice, but there are still a lot of things you can do to improve your performance, without needing an audience.

For example, it’s important to be able to look at your audience when speaking so practicing reading your notes while speaking and moving your head from one side of the room to the other so you can make eye contact with audience members while speaking is a simple technique to practice until it becomes natural.

Another tip would be to record yourself speaking – this can be very effective because most people have no idea what they really sound like when they speak. So it’s a good way to evaluate and analyse yourself in private and try and improve anything you don’t like about the way you speak.

Along the same lines, you could video yourself delivering one of your speeches to get a better idea of how an audience sees you. And then, obviously you need to actually speak to groups of people as if you were delivering a real speech. Even asking a couple of friends to sit and critique your performance can help you become better, more polished, and feel more comfortable and confident when speaking in public.





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