1-4月雅思口语Part3话题范文:family member you proud of

小站整理2017-02-07 11:16:40

摘要:新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。一转眼,雅思口语进入了1-4月的新一轮话题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。​本文口语part3话题:a family member that you are proud of。

随着1月的口语考试的结束,1-4 雅思口语题库已狰容毕现,雅思口语考试的规律决定了,这些题目将会在余下的3个月里,成为你的雅思口语通关的噩梦!但小站懂你更懂雅思,以下为你带来原创高分范文。关于a family member that you are proud of(为傲的家人)话题的part3部分共5个问题答案。


1Q. What are the values of family in your country?

Answer: That's a really important question. First of all, I believe that family values don't differ from country to country and allow me to say that they should be the same throughout the world. As far as I’m concerned, the most important values of a family are the so-called moral values, which enable people to draw plausible distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false. The lessons learned from the family are invaluable throughout our life.

Furthermore, the family values are vital in making decisions and can be obtained by personal and life experiences with close relationships with family members. To be more specific, some examples could be: being honest and trustworthy, courageous and patient, taking up responsibilities as well as adding values to the world are the norms of our family and society. A family is so important and we stand for our family members no matter what. Thus the family comes first is the morality everyone in our country believes. We also consider a family as the unit of a society or a country and bonding, relationship, trustworthiness, helpfulness are lessons that come with the close family ties.

2Q. How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

Answer: Our parents are the reason for our existence and with them, we get a family. Parents are the persons we see and rely on when we open our eyes for the first time. Moreover, parents are the primary educator and they teach their children how to develop confidence, socialisation skills, morals, values and views in life. Since they are the base of our family, closeness in a family leads people to have an intrinsically fulfilling and flourishing life.

This can be justified by the fact that kids who enjoy strong family bonding tend to be happier and mentally healthier that those who are in a dysfunctional family environment.

3Q. What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?

Answer: That’s really an interesting question! My personal opinion is that a nuclear family is much more preferable to me compared to a joint family. The reason for my preference is possibly because I grew up in a nuclear family and it was a pleasant memory for me. Besides, in a nuclear family there are the couple and their children and in this situation anything is manageable and family members have a stronger relationship. Fighting and quarrel are rare in nuclear families.

On the other hand, the second type of family is extended family or joint family and includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and so on. I prefer a quiet environment than a noisy one. In a joint family, this is unlikely to happen and people always do not have privacy. Therefore, I strongly believe that a family only with mum, dad and siblings works better for me.

4Q. How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?

Answer: Unfortunately, the sacred notion of a family has lost its meaning to a certain extent in the last ten years. People don’t invest in feelings anymore and don’t retreat as well. Nowadays quarrels between couples are a frequent occurrence and because women are financially independent, they don’t step back like they did many years ago. Moreover, a principal cause that has led to this situation is the internet. When family members have some spare time they prefer to consume it by going online instead of having some family conversations. I would jump to the conclusion that people who decide to create a family should let go off their ego and in difficult times they should also think that their children want their parents to be happy and together.

5Q. Is it better to get advice from a friend or from a family member?

Answer:I think it depends on the kind of advice that you need. Parents and grandparents probably have more life experience than a friend, and so you might get a wiser or more sensible answer from them. On the other hand, friends are less likely to become too worried if you go to them with a problem. For example, I probably wouldn’t want to burden my parents with a financial problem.





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