9-12月雅思口语Part3范文:favorite part in your city

小站整理2016-10-14 16:10:50

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语9-12月的Part3口语范文,是和favorite part in your city有关的6个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天小站雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于favorite part in your city,来看一下相关的6个问题及答案:

1.Why is it important to have parks in a city?

People value the time they spend in city parks, whether walking a dog, playing basketball, or having a picnic. Along with these expected leisure amenities, parks can also provide measurable health benefits, from providing direct contact with nature and a cleaner environment, to opportunities for physical activity and social interaction. However they work, they act to define the shape and feel of a city and its neighborhoods.

2.What are the advantages of living in a city or big town?

I think it’s having access to local facilities really … local shops as well as access to larger shopping malls in the city centre … and if you’re well-off you can afford to live in the suburbs away from the busy traffic …

3.In your experience are city centres usually attractive places?

Some can be yes … especially those with a historical interest … but sometimes they’re full of ugly office blocks … multi-story car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends on the city, doesn’t it?

4.What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?

I suppose traffic congestion is a major problem … and the growth in out-of-town supermarkets and retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down … plus a shortage of good quality housing … I think these are the major challenges …

5.Why do most people live in cities?

Ans. Because in cities, People get better lifestyle and facilities of fast transportation, quality education and medical facilities within quick time. In addition, many scopes of getting employment because of prevailing many industries.

6.Would you prefer living in city or in town?

Ans. Definitely in city because as in city many institutions of education and sports and hobbies are located and recreational places like multiplexes, restaurants.However, I will visit once in a blue moon to the towns even to get different experience of fresh air and wondering in farms and watching natural landscapes with great panoramic view. so would love to exploit the fun of living at the both places.






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