9-12月雅思口语P3话题范文: situation you got angry

小站整理2016-10-13 15:58:20

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语9-12月的Part3口语范文,是和 situation you got angry 有关的6个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天小站雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于situation you got angry ,来看一下相关的6个问题及答案:

1.How do you control your anger?

2.Why would some people get angry easily?

3.How do people's mood get affected?

4.Is it important to be calm?

5.What would you do if you make others angry at you?

6.In what ways can people manage their anger well?

Sample answers:

1.Well, I'm really good at controlling my anger. When I feel angry or as if something really drives me crazy, I walk away and spend some time alone to cool off. Going for a walk, patting the cat or having a shower usually does the trick.

2.Well, I used to be such kind of person. When I was a teenager, I was always impulsive and turned a deaf ear to other people's words. I think that may be a specific feature of adolescence. For other people, lack of sleep and pressure of work and family may also make them get angry easily.

3.Well, people's mood can be affected by many factors.

4.Sure, I think it's pretty important. Especially when you are in an emergency or a crisis. Only by staying calm, will we be able to think about what to do next logically and make right decisions. Moreover, calm people can usually help other people to keep calm. So it can also help people relax their minds and stabilize their moods.

5.For me, I will make an immediate apology to them. If I offend them with no intention, then I will explain the reasons and try my best to clear the misunderstanding. After that, I will take time to reflect myself and avoid making the same mistake next time.

6.Well,as we all know anger does harm to people's physical and mental health. So it's important for everyone to learn how to manage their anger. Firstly, we need to understand why we are angry and the best way to soften it is to talk the matter with someone you trust, maybe a faithful friend or your parents.Another good way to manage anger is to do something else to shift your attention. For example, you can take a walk, listen to some light music or do some reading. After that, you will find that you have already calm yourself.






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