9-12月雅思口语P3话题范文:wild animal you have seen

小站整理2016-10-13 11:00:11

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语9-12月的Part3口语范文,是和wild animal you have seen有关的13个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天小站雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于wild animal you have seen,来看一下相关的13个问题及答案:

1.Is it good to keep rare animals in the zoo?

2.What are the functions of a zoo?

3.Don't you think government should use their money on other important things?

4.Are there any TV programs focusing on wild animals? What are these animals?

5.Why do they show the names of these wild animals?

6.Should teachers teach children animals in the classroom?

7.Is it good for kids to raise animals?

8.Are there any implied meaning for kids to raise pets? What should be paid attention to?

9.What should parents tell kids before raising pets?

10.What’s the advantage of protecting animals?

11.What methods have children learned to protect animals?

12.Should animals be free-range or captive?

13.How to protect endangered species?

Sample answers:

1.No, I don't think so. The best way to protect rare animals is to establish a suitable habitat and preserved zone for them. And for baby animals or injured animals, people should look after them before they are able to survive in the wild.

2.The functions of a zoo should not be restricted within animal display and visiting. Zoos should also take part in the conservation work and to function as a sage places where many endangered species can be preserved and maintained.

3.No, I do not agree with that. There are a lot of issues that government should put efforts in, however, protecting animals is also a very important part of it. Because maintain the biodiversity on the earth and preserving the natural reserves is an alternative way of protecting human's habitat.

4.Yes, I remembered when I was young I liked watching Animal World on China Central Television. This program tells us about animals' predation, reproduction and migration. And I remember they talked about animals like African Lion, Tibetan antelope.

5.Probably they want to help people to learn about wild animals and make them able to recognize these animals in the wild.

6.Yes. Children are supposed to learn animals about their names, appearance, species, habitat and so on. And children should be told to protect animals cause it equals to protecting habitats of humans as well.

7.Yes. Animals have been friends to human beings as long as human are there. Keeping pets will promote children a sense of responsibility. And playing with pets can give kids love and support as well and function as their brothers and sisters.

8.If kids would like to raise a pet, parents should pay attention that whether playing with pets take too much of kids study time and hygiene problems. Cause spending too much time with pets may have a negative impact on children's academic records. And there is possibility that children are infected by animals.

9.Children should be told that they need to treat pets as family members, to really care about them, spend time feeding them and playing with them. And animals length of life are usually shorter than human, so they should be prepared that their pets may leave them for good several years later.

10.Protecting animal is important because people enjoy having them. such as pets. And protecting an animal from extinction is also protecting the sequence of the food chain. Eventually it will damage human's habitat.

11.Firstly, teachers can tell children in class that animals are our friends and we should protect them. And then schools can take students to the zoo to visit animals, and also provide opportunities to interact with animals, like they can let kids to feed and touch and play with animals.

12.Animals are supposed to belong to the natural environment. And animals in cages are just like prisoners, and it will kill their natures.

13.There are many national organizations that are involved in protecting endangered species. If you get involved and support these organizations you will be helping to protect endangered species. Become an advocate of the dangers of global warming can also help.






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