
小站整理2016-09-08 10:31:00




Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike

You should say :

Where it is

What it is used for

What it looks like

And explain why you like or dislike it


Describe your favorite movie

You should say :

when and where you saw it

what type of film it was

what the film was about

and explain why it is your favorite film


Describe a piece of equipment in your home

You should say:

what it is

how often you use it

who you usually use it with

and explain why this item is important to you.


Describe a gift that you recently gave to others

You should say:

When it happened

Who you gave it to

What gift you gave to the person

And explain why you gave this gift to others


Describe a wild animal

You should say :

What it looks like

Where you can see it

What it likes to eat or do

Why you like it


Describe a sport that you prefer to do and it a little expensive

You should say:

what it is

how much it usually costs

who you usually do it with

and explain why you like to do this activity.


Describe an interesting song

You should say:

What kind of song it is

How you found it

What it is about

And explain why it is interesting to you


Describe an area of subject that you are interested in(such as physics, mathematics)

You should say:

What it is

When you started to become interested in it

What you have learned from it

And explain why you have interest in it


Describe an advertisement you have seen recently

You should say:

when and where you saw it

what was advertised

what the contents of the advertisements were

and explain how you felt about it.


Describe a website you like to visit

You should say :

When you found it

What it is about

How often you visit it

Why you like this website


Describe an interesting photo

You should say.

Who took it

Who was the photo

When the photo was taken

Why it was interesting


Describe a small business you want to have in the future.

You should say:

what it would be

what you need to prepare for it

where you would have this business

and explain why you would like to do this business.


Describe an item that you received and made you happy

You should say

When you received it

What the item was

Who gave you it

And explain why you felt happy



Describe a time you needed to use imagination

You should say :

what the situation was

why you needed to use imagination

What the difficulties were

and explain how you felt about it


Describe a time you were very busy

You should say:

When it happened

Where you were

What you did

And explain why you were that busy


Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time).

You should say:

what you did

when and where you did it

who you did it with

and explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.


Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something

You should say:

when and where it happened

what the appointment was for

what happened when you missed it

and explain how you felt about the appointment.


Describe a special meal you have had

You should say:

where you would like to have it

who you would like to have it with

what you would like to eat

and explain how you would feel about the meal


Describe a team project for study or entertainment

You should say:

When you did it

Where you did it

Who you did it with

How you did it

Why you liked it or disliked it


Describe an outdoor activity you like to do

You should say:

What it is

Where you like to do it

How you do it

and explain why you like to do it


Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting

You should say:

where you would like to go

how you would like to go there

who you would like to go with

and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.


Describe a difficult decision you once made and proven to be right in the end

You should say

when you made the decision

what the decision was

who was with you

and explain why you had a deep impression on this decision



Describe your favorite part in your city(town)

You should say:

What it is called

Where it is

When you like to visit

and explain why it is your favorite


Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city.

You should say:

where it is

how often you go there

what people do there

and explain why you think it is important


Describe a place where you relaxed

You should say:

where it is

what you usually do there

how often you go there

and explain why it is a relaxing place


Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work

You should say:

where you would like to go

what kind of work/job you would like to have

when you would like to go

why you want to work in that place


Describe a place you often visit

You should say:

Where this place is

when you like to visit this place

what you like to do

and explain why you often visit this place


Describe a garden you have visited

You should say:

where it was

what it looked like

what you did there

and explain why you liked it there






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