2016年7月雅思口语part2话题答案:An article you read from a magazine.

小站教育2016-07-08 14:44:10

摘要:小站雅思君今天跟大家分享7月雅思口语part2话题:Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper.(报纸或杂志上看到的文章)的解析和范文,欢迎同学们参考!



Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper.

You should say:

What the article was

When and where you read it

what you learnt from the article

and explain why you think it is a good or bad article.








I usually read a newspaper daily and I also enjoy reading some technology and lifestyle related magazines. There are lots of interesting, thought provoking and intriguing articles that I often confront and today I would like to talk about one such article that I recently read from a newspaper.

It was about the environment changes and our portion of contribution on that. This is not a new topic but the article I am taking about was written in a different perspective. It highlighted that changes that happened in the last one decades and how this changes have already impacted our environment and life. I read this article 2-3 weeks ago and this was written by a famous environmental scientist and researchers.

I am bit confused whether should I say it as a bad news or good news since this is a research and statistical fact type articles that showed the environmental changes in recent years, the impact of it in our lives and in other species, then it showed our ignorance about the severity of this pollution and changes then finally some solution to minimize the problem. The first few parts are like bad news as it describes how much we have already damaged to the environment but the final part of the news/ article shows the light of hope and explained that we still have the opportunity to save the disaster. Some of the solutions were proposed and that I consider being good news.

I have read numerous articles about the ozone layer, extinction of some species in the recent years, then the danger of health for the pollution and many more similar topics but this one was written in a different perspective and tried to explain that small changes in our perception and habit can save a lot. This article alerted us and then showed us our unawareness of the issue and then gave the hope of making positive changes. I felt like I have adopted a different perception about this triggering issue and felt the need to read more on the topic. The news helped me understanding our immediate attention to a dire issue and how each of us can contribute to reduce the severity of this eminent problem.







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