5月雅思口语Part2多版本范文:Describe a decision you took a long time to take

小站整理2016-05-12 17:37:52

摘要:雅思口语换题季来啦!今天为大家带来的是很多考生已经在苦苦寻找的2016年5月~8月雅思口语题库新增的一道Part2的真题、范文和语料,Describe a decision you took a long time to take(A difficult choice you ever made),描述一个花了很长时间下的决定。大家赶快来看一下吧!

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a decision you took a long time to take(A difficult choice you ever made)

You should say:

What decision it was

What difficulties you faced,

How you made the decision,

And explain why it took you a long time to make the decision.


I've made lots of decisions in my life.sometimes all alone and sometimes discussing with my parents and others. The particular decision that seems very important to me was the time when I decided to do my graduation in Literature rather than getting admitted in the Engineering University. My mother wanted me to get admitted in the Eng. University and do my graduation majoring Engineering while my fascination was studying in Literature. I took decision when I was 18 years of old, just after finishing my 12th class. My father did not insist me on anything and asked me to do what I prefer better for me. My relatives thought that I was kind of fool and immature to take such a big decision of my life.

But after considering several issues and perspective I decided to get myself admitted in a University that offers graduation in Literature. I'm happy that I made this decision. I'm yet to finish my graduation but throughout the last 3 years I have enjoyed studying literature and I am doing quite well academically.

Making the decision was not easy and I had to go through a hard time as I remember. I had to fight a lot with myself and then convince my mother. There were always risks of picking the option I prefer my parents would have complained if I hadn’t make a promising result. I still remember the dubious feelings I had that time. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should abandon my passion and yield to my parents' decision and then again I strongly felt for my own choice and passion. Since I made my own choice at that time, a strong urge and force worked on me that I have to do really good and I am happy that I took my decision and doing very good so far.


Well, talking about a decision I took a long time to make, I guess I have bunch of decisions(决定 decisions) I wanna share with you, but the one I would like to introduce to you now is a quite special one.

I took one year to make the decision to renounce (放弃 giving up) my career as an accountant after my graduation and create(创业 starting up) my own business from starting computer minor (辅修).

I never doubt I am a very smart guy because I did pretty well in university and managed to work as an account executive after my graduation. Things went smoothly until one day when I attended a talk given by a founder of a large IT firm. The founder described how he achieved tremendous(大的big) business success as well as his correct forecast of the prosperous (繁荣的booming) future of IT industry. It turned out that I, myself, had always been a lover of IT stuff and it has always been a long hobby to develop some applications in my spare time. I was so inspired (鼓舞 encouraged) that I wanted to start up my own IT firm one day.

It was such a frantic (疯狂的crazy) idea that I could hardly get any support from my family and friends. However, I didn’t want to let the opportunity slip through my fingers (俚语错过做某事的机会 miss the chance to do something). I believed I was passionate(热情的enthusiastic) about my IT plan and accounting didn’t suit me. So I analyzed the situation thoroughly before putting this idea into practice. I shelled out (付出pay) all my free time to study related courses till I made sure I was one hundred percent committed!

After one year’s experience, I finally made up my mind to take part in the computer minor. I took a long time to make this decision with giving sufficient consideration. Anyway it is totally an important decision for me. That’s all. Thank you.






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