2016年5-8月雅思口语part2新题参考范文+语料:Describe a piece of good news.

小站教育2016-05-09 13:55:23

摘要:分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题:Describe a piece of good news you received before(描述你过去收到的一条好消息)参考范文及话题语料库,希望对大家有帮助,看全文!

5-8月的雅思口语变题季,涌入了很多新的题目。今天这里和大家分享Describe a piece of good news you received before(描述你过去收到的一条好消息)的参考范文和语料库。5-8月要考雅思的童鞋们快快看过来哦!


Describe a piece of good news you received before

You should say:

what this piece of news was

when and where you received it

how you reacted after receiving this piece of news

and explain why you think this was a good piece of news.

Sample answer:

Well,I do have an exciting piece of news to tell and I believe it was a miracle(奇迹) in the sport history. The news was that on May 2nd, 2016,Leicester City Football Club(莱斯特城足球俱乐部) won the Premier League(英超联赛) and became the champions of England.

It was so hard for me to sleep on two o'clock before drawn(互无胜负的) after receiving this piece of news. 1 tried to tell everyone in my family about this miracle. I wanted to share with my friends and colleagues whether they were soccer fans or not. I was ready to tell the most astonishing(令人吃惊的) underdog story in sports history I ever heard.

Why this news is exciting and Why it is a miracle. Because during the past 132 years Leicester City Football Club never won the Premier League once. Leicester City was never a strong team before and the team was almost demoted(被降级) last year. At the start of this year,bookmakers offered incredible(不可思议的) odds of 5000-1 on Leicester City winning the Premier League. Also the coach(教练) for Leicester City had never won any major league before. In addition,the entire(整个) Leicester City team players'market value was only equal to one well-known player's market value in some bigger teams. No one believed they could beat those bigger clubs and ranked the first.However, in the ending of season this underdog, Leicester City won the league and became the champions.




1.Scientists find:motherly love helps children's brains grow bigger


Motherly love can help children's brains grow at twice the rate as neglected youngsters, a study has shown. Although it is known that a nurturing, stable home life improves overall childhood development, it is the first research to prove that it has a significant impact on brain size. Children who received the most support from their mother's before school were found to have more growth in the hippocampus, which is associated with learning, memories, and regulating emotions.

neglected: 疏忽( neglect的过去式和过去分词 ); 疏于照顾


hippocampus 海马体(大脑中被认为是感情和记忆中心的部分)

2.The good news for Israel and its future is that during this past week, 12 haredi boys, students of the Derech Chaim yeshiva, began their service in the Israel Defense Forces. These boys are the member of the first class of the first-ever Haredi Hesder yeshiva. The boys spent the past two years studying Torah as any other yeshiva boy does during the morning and afternoon hours.


3.For a long time, media researchers focused almost entirely on the harmful effects of media – violence, aggression, racial and gender stereotypes, and its potential to shape people’s perception of the world as a dangerous place. Now, a new set of studies highlight the potential of media to spread goodness on a wide scale.







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