2016年4月最新雅思口语part2话题范文详解--Describe a long walk you ever had

小站教育2016-04-21 17:21:39

摘要:最新最新雅思口语part2话题:描述你曾经经历过的一段长距离的步行。为什么翻译的这么奇怪,就是说a long walk,很多人思维定式觉得是长途旅行怎么样,并不是,你自己走了一段长时间的路也是a long walk,本文范文就是这样的,不信你看!

分享最新雅思口语part2话题:Describe a long walk you ever had.这个话题现在很热,所以把它列出来,精心整理了范文和语料,希望大家认真对待!其实长途徒步,对身体健康,放松都是一件好事,但是我们也要量力而为。一起看看这里的内容吧,一定一定会有收获哦~


Describe a long walk you ever had.

You should say:

when this happened

where you walked

who you were with

and explain how you felt about the walk.

Sample answer:

As long as I can remember, I have taken a long walk to unwind myself when I took a business trip in Shanghai after an important conference several years ago. I was really tired then, so I decided to walk along the quiet street with myself in the evening to relax me.

It was rather cold at that time, so there were just few people could be seen in the street. But I didn’t feel lonely because I could enjoy the sereneness. I didn’t recall anything happened that day but just saw the various tall buildings, the old alleys and the thick plane trees in the cold wind. I walked around the city for about one hour, and gradually I didn’t feel any tired.

I am not a neuropsychologist but I believe there is something special going on in the human brain when the body is in motion. So I’m really into taking a long walk when I have spare time, and I feel it definitely has been very influential in my life.

unwind 放松 sereneness 平静,宁静

alley 小径,小巷子

neuropsychologist 神经心理学家

definitely 一定地,肯定

这个话题卡重点在a long walk,但是大家备考时不要有局限性,我们可以跟范文一样近处的家附件的一段步行,也可以是去远方的,长途行走。






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