2016年最新雅思口语part3话题范文详解--helping in family and work

小站教育2016-04-11 16:37:53

摘要:今天这里带来的雅思口语part3的口语话题跟之前不太一样,今天主要是关于helping的两个方面:Helping in Everyday Life和Helping in the Workplace,日常生活的互相帮助,和工作场所的帮助。一起看全文!


1.There are many ways colleagues can help each other at work: they can collaborate on projects or individual tasks by discussing ides, problems or simply sharing the workload. They can offer support and advice when required, especially if a person is having a difficult time, for whatever reason.Covering for a colleague if they are unwell or absent is a common favor done by many people, and also helping colleagues learn things they need to in order to do their jobs better.

collaborate on 合作 absent 缺席


2.“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar金克拉是国际知名的演说家、作家及全美公认为销售天王暨最会激励人心的大师。

3.Years ago, everything I read about relationships described the pitfalls of codependent relationships :relationships where each partner made the other person responsible for their sense of worth, safety and happiness. And they were right. When partners abandon themselves, they become needy, and neediness can create many relationship problems.

pitfalls 陷阱 codependent relationships 相互依赖的关系


4.The employee-manager relationship is one of the primary components to a strong organizational structure. Employees rely on their managers for career development and guidance on how to improve their skills. One of the elements of a successful employee-manager relationship is trust. When the sense of trust is strong between an employee and manager, it adds efficiency to other elements of workplace productivity.

primary components 主要成分

5.A strong sense of trust in an employee-manager relationship encourages loyalty from both sides. When a manager asks an employee to go beyond her job duties to get an important project done, the employee trusts that she can do the job and agrees to put forth the extra effort. To reciprocate, a manager may allow an employee an extended leave of absence to take care of a personal issue, trusting that the employee will maintain contact with the manager and eventually return to her job duties. This heightened sense of loyalty on both sides, bolstered by a mutual trust, can improve company productivity and maintain employee retention.

put forth the extra effort 付出额外的努力

reciprocate 报答







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