雅思口语中常见的50项语法错误 避免这些你也可以考高分

小站整理2016-01-08 15:52:51


很多烤鸭担心说口语时会犯语法错误,却又不知道哪些是错,那些是对, 所以我开启了错误统计模式,先为烤鸭奉献50项常见口语语法错误,这都是我经常从学生口中听到的,看看你中枪了没。

1. Wrong: “listen music” Right: “listen to music”

2. Wrong: “she give me a doll” Right: ”she gave me a doll”

3. Wrong: “I’m from Zhejiang Wenzhou”, Right: “I’m from Wenzhou (city), in Zhejiang Province”.

4. Wrong: “The place located in…” Right: “The place is located in…”

5. Wrong: “it become more expensive” Right” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”

6. Wrong: “TV grams” Right: “TV programs”

7. Wrong: “lots of beauty sightseeings” Right: “lots of beautiful sights” or “lots of wonderful scenery”

8. Wrong: “play computer” Right: ”play computer games” or “play on the computer”

9. Wrong: “the most cheapest” Right: ”the cheapest”

10. Wrong: “more cheaper than” Right: ”cheaper than”

11. Wrong: “it will more expensive” Right: ”it will be more expensive” or “it will become more expensive”

12. Wrong: “in rainy days” Right: ”on rainy days”

13. Wrong: “my father think…” Right: ”my father thinks”

14. Wrong: “I’m a person who like to…” Right: ”I’m a person who likes to…”

15. Wrong: “we are intelligent than computers” Right: ”we are more intelligent than computers”

16. Wrong: “I like go shopping” Right: ”I like going shopping”

17. Wrong: “I like take photo” Right: ”I like taking photos”

18. Wrong: “it’s last year” Right: “it was last year”

19. Wrong: “when I’m in primary school” Right: ”when I was in primary school”

20. Wrong: “let their children to go out” Right: ”let their children go out”

21. Wrong: “the first thing comes to mind is…” Right: ”the first thing that comes to mind is…”

22. Wrong: “such like” Right: ”such as” or “like”

23. Wrong: “I often talk to my neighbourhoods” Right: ”I often talk to my neighbours”

24. Wrong: “in the past time” Right: “in the past”

25. Wrong: “in the past, clothes are very cheap” Right: ”in the past, clothes used to be very cheap”

26. Wrong: “I like there” Right: ”I like it there”

27. Wrong: “teached me” Right: ”taught me”

28. Wrong: “you will success” Right: ”you will succeed”

29. Wrong: “I went to the Beijing” Right: ”I went to Beijing”

30. Wrong: “go to abroad” Right: ”go abroad”

31. Wrong: “a people I met” Right: ”a person I met” or “someone I met”

32. Wrong: “other countries people” Right: ”people from other countries” or “people from around the world”

33. Wrong: “it’s depend” Right: ”it depends”

34. Wrong: “I will watching” Right: ”I will watch”

35. Wrong: “at that day” Right: ”on that day”

36. Wrong: “drive a bicycle” Right: ”ride a bicycle” or “cycle”

37. Wrong: “my home is just have one bedroom” Right: ”my home just has one bedroom”

38. Wrong: “not very much museums” Right: ”not very many museums”

39. Wrong: “many food” Right: ”a lot of food”

40. Wrong: “we chatted very happy” Right: ”we chatted very happily”

41. Wrong: “some moneys” Right: ”some money”






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