雅思口语高频话题参考答案--A piece of good news you heard of from TV or the Internet(2)

小站整理2015-04-28 10:19:23

摘要:大家知道,Part 2的话题是时间最长的,需要考生回答大约一分半钟到两分钟。为了避免考场上抽到答题卡无言以对,备考时我们需要多做一些准备。在准备的时侯多看一些具有代表性的参考答案,以便考试时用于相关的话题,配合雅思口语题库一起多加练习。
对于雅思口语Part 2来说,复习时多准备一些素材是百利无一害的。Part 2部分是比较考验考生口语水平的,通常需要1-2分钟的回答时间。同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题,避免考试时因为紧张,不熟悉导致不知道说什么。本文跟大家分享Part 2--A piece of good news you heard of from TV or the Internet(2),希望对大家有帮助!
You should say

What the news was about
When you got this news
Where you got this news from
And explain why you think it was a good piece of news.

Tae Yang, a Korean pop star, is my favorite singer. He is a brilliant singer and dancer, which is a match for his handsome and unique face. But what enchant me most is his dedication in his career. He practices dancing and singing every day for more than 15 hours. I heard from one of my friends who is also crazy about Tae Yang that he won a prize which is a supreme honor (至高的荣誉)in Korean music history. I was so thrilled when I heard this news and felt like it was me myself who had won the prize. It was already at the end of last year but I did not feel cold because someone I liked must have been quite cheerful now and I also felt excited for what he received. I think it’s exactly the meaning of being a star. Some people may doubt the significance of these pop stars, but I think some stars like Tae Yang set a good example for common people that every man can be so diligent in order to realize their dreams and do something entertaining to add relaxing topics to everyday life. I got the positive power from Tae Yang’s songs and dance and also learned from him that we need to be optimistic as him. I agree with my friend’s opinion that only if a person makes your life happier, you have to admit that they are doing something meaningful to the world.






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