
小站整理2015-03-02 10:41:36





考前突击:雅思口语part 1新题补充及问题答案(汇总)


2月12日&14日雅思口语难题分析之PART 2人物类第二弹



小站名师:2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类

这次讲的是一道人物类热点题“希望合作的家人”。你最想和哪个家庭成员共事呢/小站名师就在此给出大家针对这个问题的相关part 2&3的答案参考,帮助考生在短时间内客服对新题的准备不足的恐惧。

人物类热点题,新题(part 2&3)

• Describe a family member you would like to work with.

You should say

Who this person is?

What kind of person he or she is?

Whether you’ve worked together before?

And explain why you would like to work with this person (more than with other members of your family)

Sample answer:

The family member that I want to work with is my cousin. The reason why I would love to work with him is because we have the similar interests and our personalities fit for each other. Well I don’t mean that we have exactly the same personality and character, but we just get on well. My cousin is a quiet and meticulous person, but I am a passionate and thoughtful one. To be a little bit superstitious, my horoscope is Libra and his is Aquarius so we match. My cousin is 2 year younger than me but we are still at the same age and we grew up together, so we knew each other well. I can always feel there is a mysterious vibration and coordination between us, sometimes it’s even a bit telepathic. It’s always happening that when I say the first sentence and he continued the second one that is attached, and sometime we were even doing the same thing at the same time but in different places. There’s a lot of cooperation we’ve done, when we were young we enjoyed a lot to play video games together, although it’s kind of a kid’s stuff, but it was truly a good way to build up a high sense of collaboration and team-spirit. When we got into the adolescence age, we started to do more things together like playing all kinds of ball games, study some certain kinds of subjects and we even helped each other to chase the girls we like, those were really precious and beautiful memory between us and I think it’s the unbreakable bound between us which is irreplaceable. Although my cousin is not the family member that I spent the most of time with, but he is definitely the one know me the most. And I think if we do something great together, we will harvest something extraordinary.

• What’s the most common family business in China?

Well I am not really familiar with the family business here in China, it’s simply because I can’t name any of it. I think the family business is not as flourished as in western countries. Even there are a handful big families, the mass of folks still don’t know them well

• What are the benefits of working for big companies?

I think the biggest benefit of working for a big company is that you can completely learn the operating mechanism of it and accumulate the valuable expertise and knowledge in the preliminary stage of your career.

• Why do some people say that we don’t work for the same company for too long?

Well, rom my perspectives, I think the only reason they said so is because they have such a unstable personality and an too wide ambition. I do believe that the length of time that you worked for one single firm represents for the loyalty and engagement for such company. To stay in one company for a very long time seeking learning opportunities why better your working expertise is a good path to take. Those who changed their jobs frequently doesn’t mean they are changing for better place or they are more qualified. Moderate frequency of job changing is helpful for one’s career, excessive changing symbolize for the irresponsible mentality that you hold for you career






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