
小站整理2015-03-05 06:23:54


2. Criticism

The criticism: how I looked

The reasons you chose this:

- lazy, careless in my attitude

- attracting undesirable people

- but appearance did not mean everything

When I was in school, I was criticized because of how I looked. I had long hair of many colors – often a mix of black, blond and blue. My clothes were big and baggy; nobody saw my shoes because my pants were so long and dragged on the ground. I felt comfortable in this way. It was a way of expressing my feelings about the world around me. However, my family didn’t agree with this. They said it made me look lazy and careless in my attitude. People thought I didn’t care about

my parents either. They were worried about me and about my appearance attracting undesirable people. I know they were just trying to show their love to me. I was the top student in my class, so to me, looks and appearance didn’t mean everything.

3. Embarrassing Moment

The moment: sending an email by mistake

The reasons you chose this moment

- careless moment

- revealed personal information

- lost people’s trust

My most embarrassing moment came when I recently sent an email careless to the wrong person. A friend revealed personal information to me in an email and asked for my advice. At first, I concentrated on answering him, but then the phone rang and I mistakenly sent it off on another friend in my address book. I sent off a friend’s confession about how he had cheated on his girlfriend, not once, but twice in the same day. The friend who received it happen to be a good friend of the guy’s girlfriend. In this one embarrassing moment I careless revealed private details and might have lost the trust of both friends. I also revealed my stupidity and lack of care – personally very embarrassing.


I dream of improving my competence through study overseas 我想通过海外留学提高我的能力

Studying aboard may also impose much pressure upon a person economically 出国留学可能会给人带来很大的经济压力

Many young students might be faced with great mental difficulty after they are sent abroad and faced with a new environment. 许多年轻的学生被送到国外后,面对新的环境,心理上可能会产生很大的障碍

I am crazy about English fluency, I hope I can speak English as well as those native speakers do 希望可以说英语像外国人一样流利


It is quite amusing to see their performance 看他们的表演很有意思






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