
小站整理2023-10-09 10:47:36



  1. The stillness of the lake surface mirrored the beauty of the surrounding mountains and trees.(湖面平静如镜,倒映着周围山峦和树木的美景。)
  2. The lake, with its crystal-clear water, provided a serene and relaxing environment that was rejuvenating to both mind and body.(湖水清澈见底,营造出宁静放松的环境,令人心旷神怡。)
  3. The banks of the lake were lush with green grass and flowering plants, attracting butterflies and birds alike.(湖岸上绿草如茵,鲜花盛开,吸引了蝴蝶和小鸟的到来。)
  4. The calm and tranquil lake was a stark contrast to the bustling city that lay on its doorstep.(宁静祥和的湖泊与咫尺之遥喧闹的城市形成了鲜明的对比。)
  5. The lake's resident wildlife could be observed clearly through the still water, including fish, frogs, and even turtles.(通过平静的水面可以清晰地观察到湖泊的野生动物,包括鱼、青蛙,甚至海龟。)
  6. The expansive view of the lake from the nearby cliff provided an awe-inspiring experience that was both breathtaking and humbling.(从悬崖上俯瞰湖泊的辽阔景色令人既惊叹又谦卑,给人留下了难忘的体验。)
  7. The shimmering lake was a haven for boaters and swimmers during the summer months, with its inviting waters luring people from across the region.(在夏季,这个波光粼粼的湖泊是划船和游泳爱好者的天堂,它那迷人的水域吸引着来自四面八方的人们。)
  8. Thelake's inhabitants weathered the changing seasons with ease, adapting their lifestyles to ensure their survival during winters when the lake froze over.(湖泊的生物轻易地经历了季节的变化,它们适应了生活方式以保证自己在湖水结冰的冬季能够生存下去。)
  9. The ferryboats traversed the lake's expanse, transporting passengers to their destination while providing a picturesque backdrop for holiday snaps.(渡船穿行于湖面之上,将乘客送往目的地,同时为游客的快照提供了如画的背景。)
  10. Thelake's edges were defined by clusters of trees and shrubs that buffered its banks from the elements, creating a sheltered haven for wildlife to prosper.(湖泊边缘由树木和灌木丛组成,它们抵挡着风雨侵袭,为野生动物创造了一个繁荣的避风港。)





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