GRE阅读材料分享 半数中国富人希望移居美国

小站整理2014-09-17 15:46:44


The US remains a magnet for wealthy Asian entrepreneurs even as its growth lags behind developing markets, new research has found.

The report, by Barclays Wealth, found that those who made their money in booming economies such as China still hoped to move to North America and Europe in search of stability and better business prospects.

Over the next five years, almost half of China’s rich expected to move, with the US then Europe the most likely destinations. Qataris and Latin Americans were also likely to be planning moves. But only 6 per cent from North America and 12 per cent from Europe were considering Asia.

Some 15 per cent of the global rich are likely to move within the next five years, rising to almost a third for those who consider themselves entrepreneurs.

Christian Berchem, head of UK key clients and family offices for Barclays Wealth, said entrepreneurs “will go where the next step for their businesses takes them”.

Liam Bailey, head of residential research at Knight Frank, the property consultancy, said that the “Anglosphere” remains popular for its use of English, good education system and stable government.

Just under half of the 2,000 people Barclays surveyed had lived in more than one country and a fifth in three or more countries.

“A number of entrepreneurs we have spoken to are looking towards overseas expansion to other English-speaking markets, such as the US and Australia, while others are researching ways to gain access to newer, untapped markets in Asia and Latin America,” said Mr Berchem.

While Asian, European and North American wealthy individuals prioritised higher returns and better interest rates when moving their money abroad, 74 per cent of respondents in Africa, 54 per cent in Latin America, and 40 per cent in the Middle East, say that finding a safe is one of the main reasons for doing so.

The UK has seen the number of non-domiciled multimillionaires rising 15.2 per cent between 2011 and 2013, fuelling the London property market.

But even Londoners are prepared to move. Anthony Rushton, who set up Telemetry in 2009, established a New York base for the online business 18 months ago. It helps identify fraud in online advertising, whereby criminals register false interest using bots or drive up prices in automated online auctions.

Mr Rushton, 42, said his family moved for four weeks while the office was being set up. “I go over there one weekend a month as that is where our customers are.”

They tend to cluster around certain cities. Many identify themselves as “multinational” and a majority in Asia and Latin America believe their children will live in even more countries than they have.

A fifth of wealthy individuals in the UK are setting their sights on new horizons but they tend to be older. Almost a third were looking to retire, a fifth seeking a lower cost of living. But the most popular choice was no surprise – 44 per cent wanted warmer weather.


巴克莱财富(Barclays Wealth)发布的这份报告发现,在中国等蓬勃发展的经济体发迹的企业家,仍希望移居到北美和欧洲,以觅得稳定和更好的商业前景。


巴克莱财富英国关键客户与家族理财室主管克里斯蒂安•贝尔赫姆(Christian Berchem)表示,企业家“会移居到有利于他们企业下一步发展的地方”。

地产咨询公司莱坊(Knight Frank)的住宅研究主管利亚姆•贝利(Liam Bailey)表示,“盎格鲁文化圈”(Anglosphere)仍因其使用英语、教育体制良好和政府稳定而颇受欢迎。





就连伦敦人也准备移居海外。2009年创建Telemetry公司的安东尼•拉什顿(Anthony Rushton),18个月前为其在线业务设立了纽约总部。此举有利于该公司甄别在线广告中的欺诈行为。犯罪分子会利用网络机器人登记虚假购买兴趣,或者在自动在线拍卖中推高价格。



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