GRE阅读教你甜言蜜语 女生最爱听的情话分享

小站整理2014-09-15 14:00:58



You complete me 你使我完整

Tom Cruise had all the women in the world go ‘aawww’ when he said these words to a demure Renee Zellweger. Though clichéd, ‘You complete me’ is the most wholesome and lovable thing you can tell your woman. It will melt her anger away in a jiffy and forgiveness shall be dispensed without further ado.


Your smile can brighten up the most dullest of days 再黯淡的日子都可以被你的笑容点亮

Being romantic in other words means showering her with compliments. Praising her hairstyle, getting mesmerized by her eyes and being bamboozled by her smile. When you want to lighten up her mood simply gush about her beauty and she’ll wrap you in her arms sooner than you could wish for a hug.


You look pretty without any make-up, just the way you are 不化妆的你也很好看,自然就好

Every woman is beautiful in her way. And she loves nothing more than being told so; especially by her man. When you see her next, admire her face, look deep into her eyes and say with all your heart how beautiful you think she is.


I love what I become when I am with you 我喜欢和你在一起时的我

Very few things can brighten a girl up as much as her knowing that she has a positive and great impact on your life and your being. Let her in on how she is an indispensable part of your life and that you are the best you will ever be thanks to her.


You are my companion, confidante, love and life 你是我的伴侣、知己、爱人和生命

Simple, yet honest is always effective. Telling her that she is everything and anything you could ever ask for is the most wonderful way to get her to believe in your love for her.


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