
小站整理2024-06-25 18:18:03

摘要:以下是一些 GRE 阅读理解中常见逻辑关系的练习题:

以下是一些 GRE 阅读理解中常见逻辑关系的练习题:


  1. 因果关系
    The increase in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes can be attributed to several factors, such as changes in diet and lifestyle. What is the cause of the increase in diabetes cases?
    Answer: changes in diet and lifestyle.
  2. 转折关系
    Although the new drug has shown promising results in clinical trials, it also has some side effects. What is the contrast in this statement?
    Answer: between the promising results and the side effects of the new drug.
  3. 并列关系
    The report highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed plan. What are the two aspects being presented?
    Answer: the strengths and the weaknesses of the plan.
  4. 递进关系
    The problem is not only complex but also requires immediate attention. What is being emphasized here?
    Answer: the increasing level of complexity and the urgency of the problem.
  5. 对比关系
    The company's profits have increased this year, while its competitors have seen a decline. What is the difference being highlighted?
    Answer: the profit increase of the company compared to the decline of its competitors.
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