GRE 写作的开头怎样写能得高分?

小站整理2024-09-05 16:34:55

摘要:在 GRE 写作中,一个精彩的开头能够吸引阅卷人的注意力,为文章奠定良好的基础,从而有助于获得高分。以下是一些写好 GRE 写作开头的方法: 一、引用名言或谚语 选择合适的名言或谚语 挑选与作文主题相关的、具有深刻含义且广为人知的名言或谚语。这样可以迅速引起读者的兴趣,并为文章增添权威性和文化底蕴。 例如,如果作文主题是关于科技对人类的影响,可以引用阿尔伯特・爱因斯坦的名言 “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”(科技进步就像一个病态罪犯手中的斧头。)来引出对科技双刃剑性质的讨论。

在 GRE 写作中,一个精彩的开头能够吸引阅卷人的注意力,为文章奠定良好的基础,从而有助于获得高分。以下是一些写好 GRE 写作开头的方法:




  1. 选择合适的名言或谚语

    • 挑选与作文主题相关的、具有深刻含义且广为人知的名言或谚语。这样可以迅速引起读者的兴趣,并为文章增添权威性和文化底蕴。
    • 例如,如果作文主题是关于科技对人类的影响,可以引用阿尔伯特・爱因斯坦的名言 “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”(科技进步就像一个病态罪犯手中的斧头。)来引出对科技双刃剑性质的讨论。
  2. 恰当引入名言

    • 在开头部分自然地引入名言,可以通过设问、陈述事实等方式引出名言,然后对其进行简单的解释和分析,从而过渡到文章的主题。
    • 比如,可以这样开头:“In the age of rapid technological advancement, Albert Einstein's words ring especially true: 'Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.' This profound statement highlights the dual nature of technology, which brings both great benefits and potential risks. As we consider the impact of [essay topic], it is crucial to examine...”




  1. 设计有针对性的问题

    • 提出一个与作文主题紧密相关、能够激发读者思考的问题。这个问题可以是开放性的,也可以是引导性的,旨在引发读者对主题的兴趣和好奇心。
    • 例如,如果作文主题是关于教育的重要性,可以这样开头:“What is the true purpose of education? Is it merely to impart knowledge and skills, or does it play a more profound role in shaping individuals and society? As we delve into the complex issue of [essay topic], these questions become increasingly relevant.”
  2. 引导读者思考

    • 在提出问题后,可以适当展开对问题的分析,引导读者从不同角度思考问题,为后续的论证做好铺垫。
    • 比如:“The answers to these questions are not straightforward. Education, in its essence, is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses not only academic learning but also the development of character, critical thinking, and social responsibility. As we explore the significance of [essay topic], we must consider how education can fulfill these diverse functions.”




  1. 选择恰当的故事或案例

    • 挑选一个生动、具体且与作文主题相关的故事或案例。这个故事可以是真实的事件、历史典故、个人经历等,能够迅速抓住读者的注意力,使文章更具可读性。
    • 例如,如果作文主题是关于环境保护,可以讲述一个关于某个地区因环境污染而遭受严重后果的故事,如:“In a small town on the outskirts of a major industrial city, the once clear river has turned into a murky stream filled with pollutants. The air is thick with smog, and the residents are suffering from various health problems. This tragic scenario serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for [essay topic].”
  2. 分析故事与主题的联系

    • 在讲述完故事或案例后,要分析其与作文主题的联系,引出文章的核心观点。通过对故事或案例的解读,让读者明白为什么这个故事与主题相关,以及它如何引发了对主题的思考。
    • 比如:“This situation in the small town is not an isolated incident. Across the globe, we are witnessing the devastating consequences of environmental degradation. As we confront the challenges of [essay topic], we must recognize that our actions today will determine the future of our planet.”




  1. 查找有力的事实或数据

    • 搜集与作文主题相关的、令人震惊或具有说服力的事实或数据。这些事实或数据可以来自权威的研究报告、新闻媒体、统计机构等,能够增强文章的可信度和说服力。
    • 例如,如果作文主题是关于贫富差距,可以这样开头:“According to a recent report, the top 1% of the world's population owns more than half of the global wealth. This staggering inequality poses a significant challenge to our society. As we examine the issue of [essay topic], we must grapple with the consequences of such extreme disparities.”
  2. 解读事实或数据

    • 在陈述完事实或数据后,要对其进行解读和分析,说明这些事实或数据所反映的问题,以及它们与作文主题的关系。这样可以引导读者深入思考主题,为后续的论证奠定基础。
    • 比如:“This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need to address the growing gap between the rich and the poor. The consequences of such inequality extend beyond economic concerns, affecting social stability, educational opportunities, and even public health. As we explore solutions to [essay topic], we must consider how to reduce this disparity and create a more equitable society.”


总之,在 GRE 写作中,一个好的开头应该能够迅速吸引读者的注意力,引出文章的主题,并为后续的论证做好铺垫。可以根据不同的作文主题和个人写作风格,选择合适的开头方法,使文章更加精彩,从而获得高分。

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