【实例讲解】托福阅读句子插入题——the Mechanical Clock

小站整理2015-08-27 14:00:07


句子插入题(InsertText Questions)是托福阅读部分的必考题型,每篇文章后都会有一个该题型;且出题位置固定,为倒数第二道题。该题型要求考生将一句话插入到原文四个黑色空格的其中一个当中,使得段落看起来更通顺。那么,在以下内容中我们就为大家带来一些托福句子插入题的实例详解,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。

托福阅读句子插入题:The Invention of the Mechanical Clock

【Paragraph 4】Ironically, the new machine tended to undermine Catholic Church authority. Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature’ s time.■Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at theequinoxes, days and night hours were unequal; and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons.■But the mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning.■The Catholic Church resisted, not coming over to the new hours for about a century.■From the start, however, the towns and cities took equal hours as their standard, and the public clocks installed in town halls and market squares became the very symbol of anew, secular municipal authority. Every town wanted one; conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.(The Invention of the Mechanical Clock)

Look at the four squares[■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

The division of time no longer reflected the organization of religious ritual.

Where would the sentence best fit?







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