
小站整理2015-04-01 15:11:03



下面我们以The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii这篇文章来讲解一下文章内容小结题的做题技巧。

After the formation of the Hawaiian Islands, much time passed before conditions were suitable for plant life.

Answers Choices

○Algae are classified as symbiotic because they produce energy through the process of photosynthesis.

○The first successful plants on Hawaii were probably lichens, which consist of algae and fungi living in a symbiotic relationship.

○Lichens helped create favorable conditions for the growth of spore-producing plants such as ferns and mosses.

○Seed-bearing plants evolved much later than spore-producing plants, but both types of plants had evolved well before the formation of the Hawaiian Islands.

○Unlike spores, seeds must move to new habitats in order to have a strong chance of survival and growth.

○Seed-bearing plants arrived and spread quickly in Hawaii, thanks to characteristics that increased their seeds’ ability to survive and to move to different areas.


先来看第一个选项,○Algae are classified as symbiotic because they produce energy through the process of photosynthesis,这个选项提到了海藻和共生关系,第二题问地衣中的真菌如何获益于它们与海藻的共生关系,也提到了海藻和共生关系,我们看看能不能通过这一题来判断这个选项,选项说海藻被认为是共生的是因为它能通过光合作用产生能量,我们做这一题时是定位到文中这句话——These are not single individual plants; each one is a symbiotic combination of an alga and a fungus. The algae capture the sun's energy by photosynthesis and store it in organic molecules. The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae,说地衣是海藻和真菌组成的共生体,

海藻获取太阳的能量并将它储存起来,所以海藻本身并不能产生能量,而是获取并储存能量,所以这个选项是错误的。再看第二个选项○The first successful plants on Hawaii were probably lichens, which consist of algae and fungi living in a symbiotic relationship,说最早到达夏威夷的植物是地衣,它们是海藻和真菌组成的共生关系,原文也提到说Lichens were probably the first successful flora,这个选项是正确的,而且对应的第二段的主要内容。

再看下面一个选项○Lichens helped create favorable conditions for the growth of spore-producing plants such as ferns and mosses.选项提到了地衣与蕨类植物的关系,第六题问的是根据第三段,地衣与蕨类植物的关系是怎样的,所以我们可以利用这一题来判断这个选项。这题的正确答案是○Ferns were able to grow because lichens created suitable soil,说蕨类植物能够生长是因为地衣提供了合适的土壤,所以选项是对的,而且对应第三段的主要内容。

再看下一个选项○Seed-bearing plants evolved much later than spore-producing plants, but both types of plants had evolved well before the formation of the Hawaiian Islands,说到种子植物的事,说种子植物进化得比孢子植物晚,但是这两种类型都是在夏威夷岛形成之后开始进化的。而通过前面的做题我们知道文章第四段开始说了种子植物的事,看到第四段的段首句Paragraph 4: Many millions of years after ferns evolved (but long before the Hawaiian Islands were born from the sea), another kind of flora evolved on Earth: the seed-bearing plants,说蕨类植物进化了好几百年之后,种子植物开始进化了,并且它们的进化是在夏威夷岛出现很久以前,所以选项的信息是正确的,但不是我们的正确答案,第四段的主要内容是在说种子植物的事,说了种子植物的很多方面,选项只是说了关于种子植物的一个方面,就是进化的时间问题,所以是细节性信息,不是主要信息,不能选。

还剩两个选项:1.Unlike spores, seeds must move to new habitats in order to have a strong chance of survival and growth.

2.Seed-bearing plants arrived and spread quickly in Hawaii, thanks to characteristics that increased their seeds’ ability to survive and to move to different areas.








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