
小站整理2019-05-30 13:28:37




Hire an inexperienced worker with low salary or an experienced one with high salary?

If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


选择哪一个,要看是什么样的工作岗位position。一些较低的职位,基本不依赖创造性,比如门卫、前台服务员。这要选择前者。一些中等的职位,需要创造性,但是可以培养。还要选择前者,因为所谓的experienced不一定保障 efficient。较高的一些职位,所需要的人需要很高的创造性(creative),能动性(initiative)。一些经验比如管理经验都是必需的。那么,要选择后者。


A company's human capital might very well be its greatest asset. As a result, a lot of thinking has to go into hiring a new employee. Naturally, in order to maximize profits, a company will want to employ a well-qualified candidate who is willing to work for very little money. Depending on the position that is to be filled, experience is an important qualification for which a company will have to pay a high salary, but often other intangibles such aptitude, initiative, and creativity are just as important, and they might be compromised by prior experience.

There are positions for which extensive experience is absolutely necessary or at least extremely helpful. For example, an airline will not hire inexperienced pilots to fly their biggest passenger planes for good reason, and an investment firm will not allow a recent college graduate to manage the portfolios of their most important clients. In these areas specialized knowledge gained from experience is mandatory. Similarly, when it comes to managing or supervising other workers, knowledge of the subject matter is important but even more important is the ability to communicate effectively. This skill can only be developed through experience. Therefore, a company that wants to be successful immediately will have to pay for this kind of experience.

Sometimes a company will be better off hiring a candidate with less experience. Not only will this prospective employee command a lower salary, but his/her lack of prior experience will allow him/her to learn new procedures more quickly, as he/she will not have to unlearn old ones. Similarly, employers often complain that seasoned workers have become rusty in their established routines. They lack the initiative and drive of their youthful counterparts. Finally, creative positions are often filled with people who have little experience because these individuals are still open to new trends and movements, as opposed to being committed to old fads. Therefore, if I was an employer, I would try to make a decision based on the requirements of the position I have to fill and the qualities of the candidates applying for the job.







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