托福写作语料库 关于政府是否应该分享科研成果

小站整理2018-03-07 12:00:00



Governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 政府和企业是否应该和世人分享他们的科学发现,是否认同?

托福写作立场 政府和企业都不应该无私地分享他们的科研成果。


1. 政府不能分享科技发明。例如,军事发明中核武器技术不能分享,一旦分享,会造成安全的隐患,一些流氓国家或基地组织可能利用核武器造成人类的灾难。

2. 企业不能分享科学发明。因为企业做科学研究要投入金钱, 人力,设备,因此,成功的时候企业是要盈利的。例如,医药研发企业需要药品的研发转化为经济利益。如果强制要求企业分享最新的科研成就,企业就会失去搞科研的动力。



1. The innovations and high-tech contrivances have a key role to play in a corporation or nation’s development 创新和高科技发明在企业和国家的发展中发挥了重要的作用。

拓展:contrivance= inventions n 发明

2. People have debating, for many years, whether or not …… 人们很多年以来一直在争议是否……

3. As I see it,the fruits of the research should not be shared with other nations or companies. 我认为, 研究的成果不应该和其他的国家和公司分享。

4. The success of scientific research requires initial financial investment such as staff and facilities 科学研究的成功需要前期的经济投入例如人力和设施。

5. Most research conducted by the corporations is commercially driven. 大多数的企业的科研都是以经济利益为驱动的。

解析:is commercially driven ……为经济利益驱动的

6. Taking medical research as an example,medical companies pour large sums of money into developing new medicine. 以医疗科研为例,医疗公司需要投入大量的金钱去研发新药。

解析:large sums of money 大量的金钱

解析:take …… as an example 以……为例证

7. get involved in the scientific research v 做科学研究

8. regain economic benefits v 重新获得经济利益

9. generate immense economic value v产生巨大的经济价值

10. Of the countless attempts they might do,only a few turn out to be successful 他们会做很多努力,但是, 只有少数的实验才可以成功。

解析:turn out to be sth 被证明是……

11. These companies have to sell their products at a higher price so that they can regain their initial research investment. 公司需要以较高的价格销售商品,才能收回前期的经济投入。

12. Progress in a number of really valuable researches might lose motivation if we take away economic stimulation in terms of doing scientific research,then,如果失去了做科研的经济的刺激,很多有价值的科研也许就会失去动力。

解析:in terms of 在……方面

13. Therefore,certain types of research fruits should not be freely shared. 因此,某些科学研究的成果是不能分享的。

14. Nuclear energy research is good case in point. Such research should be safeguarded by the countries 核能研究就是很好的例证,研究应该由国家保护。

解析:…… is a good case in point ……就是很好的例证

解析:safeguard v 保护

拓展:nuclear weapon technology n核武器技术

15. This is because other groups or countries may lack such expertise or resources. 其他的国家和群也许缺乏专业的技术和资源。

解析:expertise n专业技术

16. This would be similar to giving a child a knife. 这就好像给了孩子们一把刀


17. Granted,I have to concede that some people might have wonderful wish that governments and corporations would share their research fruits for free. 的确,我承认有些人也许会期待政府免费地分享他们的研究成果。

解析:for free adv 免费地

18. Overall,I am convinced that it is rather groundless to simply believe that the government should share all its innovations and scientific discovery with other countries in the world. 我认为,简单认为政府应该分享所有的创新和发明是非常肤浅的。

解析:It is rather groundless to simply believe that …… 简单认为……是非常肤浅的







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