
小站整理2015-11-02 13:20:23




Some people think that it is an important part of a child's education to go on a field trip (for example, museums), other people think a child's time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which do you prefer? 有人认为实地考察对孩子的教育很重要,例如去博物馆,而另一些人认为孩子最好在教室里学习,你更认同哪种观点?


I would never suggest that students do their learning entirely through field trips, but I think field trips are an indispensable part of learning.

First of all, field trips can make children more enthusiastic about learning. Few children look forward to sitting in a classroom all day listening to lectures, regardless of how interesting the material might be. Field trips do two things to make learning more palatable to kids: they provide a break from the monotony of class, and they give children an opportunity to absorb information in more direct and interesting ways. Trips to science museums are a good example. Instead of reading about planets, kids can see planets projected in vivid color in a planetarium. Instead of reading about sound waves, they can see how sound travels through a series of tubes.

Second of all, classroom learning does not prepare people for the real world. Someone who does well studying a subject in class doesn’t necessarily have the ability to solve real-world problems. Take my aunt who attended business school, for example. Even though she spent three years studying the ins and outs of business theory, she was completely overwhelmed when it came time to start her own business. In the end, she turned to a friend with real-world experience for help. This person never went to business school, but because they had been through the trials of running a start-up several times, they could give her practical advice. Field trips bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world experience, so they can definitely add something to a child’s education.

Granted, some types of information are better absorbed inside a classroom. Mathematics, for example, doesn’t benefit so much from out-of-classroom learning. However, this does not mean that field trips are not important for those studying subjects like mathematics. In these cases, it may be especially important to take field trips so that students can connect their theoretical knowledge to real things. Learning about fractals, for instance, students can take a trip to see some fractals in nature, like those found in certain plants and animals. Learning about Fibonacci numbers, students can go to the beach to collect shells that follow the sequence to form logarithmic spirals.

Field trips should never compose the bulk of schooling. However, they can supplement classroom learning by making education fun, impactful, and relevant. Because of this, they are still an essential part of any child’s education.





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