托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 饮食健康类主题语料分享

小站整理2018-12-29 17:13:58




1. Alarmingly, many modern people, especially youngsters, have been suffering from unwholesome eating habits. 令人担忧的是,很多现代人,尤其是年轻人,一直受到不健康饮食的困扰。

2. Conflicting ideas clash in whether or not the advertisement is the root cause of people’s unhealthy dietary habits关于广告是不是人们不健康饮食的根源,人们的观点是矛盾的。

语料:unhealthy dietary habit = unwholesome eating habit n不健康的饮食习惯;

3. In addition to the subtle influence of ads, there are still many other reasons that contribute to people’s undesirable eating habits.除了广告的微妙影响,还有很多的原因导致了人们的不良饮食习惯。

语料:contribute to = give rise to = lead to v 导致……

4. So fierce is the competition and so fast is the tempo of modern life that the vast majority of people nearly have no time available to do the home meal 现代社会,竞争激励,生活节奏快,现代人几乎没有时间回家做饭。

语料:fierce competition n 激励的竞争

5. Eating too much fast food is health-threatening, for fast food contains too much fat, sugar and calorie. 吃了太多的快餐有害健康,因为不少的快餐含有太多的脂肪,糖分和热量。

语料:too much intake of fast food = eat too much fast food v 吃太多的快餐食品

6. To be more precise = more precisely adv具体来讲

7. a rich variety of = various kinds of = manifold adj各种各样的

8. carbonated beverage = carbonated drinks n 碳酸饮料

语料:carbon n碳;beverage n饮料

9. …… is physically detrimental = is health-threatening = undermine one’s health v 有害身体健康

10. obesity or over-nutrition n肥胖或者营养过剩


obese adj肥胖的

over-nutritious adj营养过剩的

nutrient n营养品

11. exert a subtle influence on 对于……有微妙的影响(推荐背诵;广告必用)

12. …… is inevitably health- threatening …… 是不可避免地威胁健康

13. food preference or engorgement are still contributing factors of people’s sub-health 偏食和暴饮暴食同样是人们亚健康的原因

词汇:engorge vt. 狼吞虎咽

14. fail to maintain well-balanced diet v不能保持均衡的饮食

15. A great many young ladies are pursing slender figure nowadays, many of them tend to believe that cutting food intake is the best method. Unfortunately, the cost of beautiful look is the mal-nutrition. 很多年轻女孩喜欢追求苗条身材,很多人认为节食是最后的方法,但是,美丽的代价就是营养不良。







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