新托福综合写作:英文报纸上的神秘版画 解析+范文

小站整理2017-09-26 14:57:46


大家在平时练习的时候肯定对于一些真题的练习比较多,那么你所练习的托福写作真题有没有范文作为参考呢?这里小编为大家整理了托福写作真题:英文报纸上的神秘版画 解析+范文,大家可以拿这些真题来练习,然后以对着解析和范文,找到自己的写作不足之外。下面就跟小编一起来学习一下吧。


托福综合写作Topic 议题:mysterious prints reported in an English newspaper
Reading Listening
Thesis 总论点 The reading points out three hypotheses to explain the mysterious prints. Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.
Sub-point 1 This was kangaroo footprint. Kangaroo’s sharp and powerful claws would make deep marks during long trails. And if the footprints were left by the fleeing kangaroo, there must have been reports about this incident, but there wasn’t.
Sub-point2 It was made by hot air balloon, which can be demonstrated by the broken rope and blots. There was a forest area in the way, and the hot air balloon would be entangled by tree branches and could not travel that long distance.
Sub-point 3 The whole story was invented although reported trustworthy. The report was based on reliable materials. For one thing, there’s letter from Devin who found the footprints; for another thing, newspaper office collected a lot of details about the print. Thus

托福综合写作范文:Sample answer:

The reading and listening discuss about mysterious prints reported in an English newspaper. The reading points out three hypotheses to explain the mysterious prints. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s idea that this was kangaroo footprint. The professor claims that Kangaroo’s sharp and powerful claws would make deep marks during long trails. And if the footprints were left by the fleeing kangaroo, there must have been reports about this incident, but there wasn’t.

Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s second hypothesis that it was made by hot air balloon, which can be demonstrated by the broken rope and blots. The professor mentions that there was a forest area in the way, and the hot air balloon would be entangled by tree branches and could not travel that long distance.

At last, the passage states that the whole story was invented although reported trustworthy. However, the professor explains that the report was based on reliable materials. For one thing, there’s letter from Devin who found the footprints; for another thing, newspaper office collected a lot of details about the print. Thus the report wouldn’t be invented.

以是就是小编为大家整理的托福写作真题:英文报纸上的神秘版画 解析+范文,大家如果把这些题目都练习了一遍,并参照范文,相信你们的托福写作提分指日可待。最后,小站教育编辑预祝大家托福考试能取得理想的成绩。






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