新托福综合写作:禁止外来动物的法律是否该存在 解析+范文

小站整理2017-09-25 15:54:33


大家在平时练习的时候肯定对于一些真题的练习比较多,那么你所练习的托福写作真题有没有范文作为参考呢?这里小编为大家整理了托福写作真题:禁止外来动物的法律是否该存在 解析+范文,大家可以拿这些真题来练习,然后以对着解析和范文,找到自己的写作不足之外。下面就跟小编一起来学习一下吧。


托福综合写作范文Topic 议题: 禁止外来物种进口和买卖法律
Reading Listening
Thesis 总论点 The law to forbid the import and selling of nonnative species is implausible. That law is worthwhile to implement.
Sub-point 1 Some pet owners will be forced to turn their pet over to the authorities. The owners’ pets don’t need to be forfeited. Only import and selling of nonnative species will be restricted.
Sub-point2 The law is too expensive to implement for it should examine thousands of nonnative species in US. The money spent in carrying out the law is much fewer than that used to remove the negative impact of nonnative species.
Sub-point3 It’s unreasonable to apply one same standard to all species. Brazil rabbits can not stand the cold weather in the north so they can’t breed. Though some animal can not breed in another country, they may carry fatal virus which can be transmitted to other animals.

托福综合写作范文Sample answer:

In the lecture, the professor disagrees with the opinion in the reading passage that the recently issued law to forbid the import and selling of nonnative species is implausible, for he holds that the law is worthwhile to implement.

Firstly, the professor opposes reading’s idea that some pet owners will be forced to turn their pet over to the authorities, which is too merciless. He suggests that the owners’ pets don’t need to be forfeited. Only import and selling of nonnative species will be restricted.

Secondly, the professor disapproves the reading’s idea that the law is too expensive to implement for it will examine thousands of nonnative species in US. The professor points out that the money spent in carrying out the law is much fewer than that used to remove the negative impact of nonnative species.

Finally, in the reading passage, it suggests that it’s unreasonable to apply one same standard to all species and areas. For example, Brazil rabbits can not stand the cold weather in the north so they can’t breed, which indicates that they will not pose a threat to the local species. But the professor refutes that, even so, those animals may carry fatal virus which can be transmitted to other animals, resulting in the possible extinction of local animals.

以是就是小编为大家整理的托福写作真题:禁止外来动物的法律是否该存在 解析+范文,大家如果把这些题目都练习了一遍,并参照范文,相信你们的托福写作提分指日可待。最后,小站教育编辑预祝大家托福考试能取得理想的成绩。






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