
小站整理2017-06-22 16:34:14





Wring some meaning from work.

When we stack firewood to prepare for the upcoming winter, make a gift to celebrate a friend’s good news, or change a favorite recipe to accommodate Grandpa’s diabetes, our efforts have purpose and value. As our children participate along with us, they feel the intrinsic satisfaction of doing something that has meaning.

So many educational tasks put before our children serve no purpose other than to instruct. But when learning is connected to something truly purposeful, it can’t help but kindle motivation. Children feel honored to be included in real work that includes real challenges. If we pay attention, we see that’s just what they pretend to do when they play.


stack firewood to prepare for the upcoming winter: 为将要到来的冬天堆积柴火

make a gift to celebrate :制作一个礼物庆祝

change a favorite recipe to accommodate Grandpa’s diabetes:为了适应爷爷的糖尿病改变菜谱

participate along with us:跟我们一起参与

feel the intrinsic satisfaction of doing something:通过做xxx感到内在的满足感

educational tasks :教育相关的任务

serve no purpose :没有任何目的

when learning is connected to something truly purposeful, it can’t help but kindle motivation.


feel honored to :感到骄傲


Children should spend most of their time studying or playing; they shouldn't be required to help the family with household chores, such as cleaning and washing.


Currently, it has become a common phenomenon that an increasing number of young adults are blamed for lacking any living skills, which has aroused deep social concern. Therefore, some educators and parents propose that high school students should do some house chores after school. As far as I am concerned, the above proposal is acceptable.

Firstly, making housework mandatory for children can help them pick up practical skills and develop valuable traits. As we all know, in the course of completing various house chores, essential living skills and certain qualities will be required. So with these abilities and virtues, high schoolers will be more capable of take good care of themselves in their future life. To be specific, while making real contributions to running the household, they're actively learning how to cook, launder, clean, make repairs, maintain a vehicle, budget expenses, and other tasks which are essential for living an independent life once they're adults. The experience of freshmen in college in China is a good case in point. Due to overemphasis of parents on the academic performance, high school students are required to devote most of their time and energy in learning compulsory subjects such as English, math and physics. The consequence is that most of college students have great difficulty in adapting to the campus life because they have to do everything in person, most of which are usually done by their parents.

Secondly, requiring kids to do house chores will relieve parents stress. As is common sense, under such a society full of competition, parents, the breadwinner of the whole family, have to spend most of their time on their work in order to support the whole family, which makes them under heavy pressure. Undoubtedly, cleaning the floor, doing laundry and cooking consume lots of energy and time of already exhausted parents, with the result that they will suffer from more physical and psychological fatigue. However, if children become proficient at the jobs necessary to sustain their families, the burden of the parents will be alleviated a lot, which is definitely conducive to the health of parents.

Factoring what has been discussed above, it is safe to conclude that students should be required to do housework in order to improve their own practical skills and lessen the pressure of their parents.








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