托福独立写作真题满分范文 年长的人和同龄人的建议更有价值吗

小站整理2017-06-19 16:05:19



Whenever people have some difficult problems that seem to be insurmountable, tend to seek advice or suggestions from others around them. In my opinion, advice is better obtained from people who are older than you, such as parents, teachers and supervisors.

To start with, many people have the experience that a loving parent gives them much needed advice. For example, when children still young and immature, parents can help them choose suitable friends because they are better able to judge people's personalities. Also as the first teachers who observe you on a daily basis, parents can easily discover children's potential talents and give them appropriate advice for improvement.

Similarly, an effective teacher is a good source of advice for his or her students. With the increasing workload for students in modern education, it is natural that most of them have a number of academic problems, and no one is better than a qualified and dedicated teacher to help them solve them. More importantly, when students are confused about choosing jobs upon graduation, teachers can give proper guidance for their future career development.

Finally, for ordinary workers, a good supervisor can be relied on for advice. In most situations, a supervisor is older or much older than their subordinates and , therefore, has gathered more experience both in work and life. As a matter of fact, their suggestions can often help you develop your work skills. And as a senior leader, they can teach you how to manage interpersonal relationships.

In conclusion , older people' s advice , whether they you are your parents , teachers or supervisors , is more valuable because they are more knowledgeable , experienced and mature.








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