
小站整理2016-03-18 14:20:27



1. A progressive state


2. Carried on afterwards


3. Turn off water


4. Suffocate


5. Out of ritual


6. Smell the pollution


7. Got sick after got back to Europe

回到欧洲后生病了。因为之前已经习惯了中国的污染,到了没有污染的欧洲,反而生病了。What a irony!

8. Pollution mask


9. How the government is allowing this to happen


10. China has gotten a history of caring its land.


11. Close down factories


12. Od dnumbers could drive on a certain day, while cars with license number finishing in even numbers could drive another day


13. Volunteer to clean the environment


14. This concerns everybody.



agree or disagree--the environment issues are too complicated, so individuals can do nothing about it on their own

With the Climate Summit in Copenhagen reaching a dead-end and with the fictional movie 2012 turning into a blockbuster, environmental issues have yet again become the most heated topic all over the world. People debate over whether the governments or the individuals should take on the primary role in protecting environment and in fighting pollution. Some hold that individuals should take the initiative but I argue that it is the governments that should take the leading part. The following analysis will further strengthen my viewpoint.

In the first place, environmental issues are too complicated and far-reaching for individuals to engage in. the most severe environmental issues today, such as global warming, various pollutions and preservation of wild species, are found in almost every country in the world. Individuals scattered across the globe can do very little to solve these problems without the mobilization and organization of their governments. The solution to environmental problems lies in the dedication and cooperation of all the governments in the world. Take global warming for an example. One person boycotting car use, or even a thousand people doing the same thing, won’t change the situation for a little bit. And after the unsuccessful climate summit in Copenhagen, we have realized how difficult it is to summon a global effort.

Secondly, it is human nature to focus on the immediate interests, which makes it hard for individuals to genuinely care about the environment. As an individual, we care the most about our own well-being and pay less attention to issues beyond our immediate interests. Like environmental protection. We don’t really worry about the gradual rising of sea level which will result in the submerging of small islands like Mal Dive. We may have lost a perfect honey moon destination, but there is still a bunch at hand. In this case, we should rely on the governments to urge and oblige their citizens to act altruistically and look into the big picture. For instance, the government may suspend factories that are emitting too much pollutant into the air or designate that cars with even and odd numbered licenses should take alternative days to go on street. When it comes to restrain our behavior for the sake of environmental protection, the government’s role is indispensible.

Based on the above analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is not wise to solely rely on the individuals to take care of our environment. The governments have a bigger and more significant role to play.








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