【听力素材】托福巴朗听力原文——College Campus

小站整理2016-01-20 10:23:56



Man: I didn’t see you at the International Talent Show.

$ Woman: No time for that kind of thing.

$ Man: You mean you don’t belong to the ISA?

$ Woman: The ISA?

$ Man: International Student Association.

$ Woman: Oh, no. I don’t belong to any clubs.

$ Man: But this isn’t like a regular club.

$ Woman: How so?

$ Man: Well, we have a house. You know, the brick house on fraternity row and . . .

$ Woman: You live there, right?

$ Man: Yeah. I moved in last year. It’s really inexpensive because we take care of the house ourselves and we cook our own meals.

$ Woman: That sounds like it would take a lot of time.

$ Man: Not really. There’s a list of chores posted every week, and you can choose something you like to do, so I usually put my name down for yard work. I like being outside so it’s fun for me.

$ Woman: But you have to cook too, right?

$ Man: Okay, it’s like this: twenty of us live there so every night two of the guys cook and two of the guys clean up, so you only have to cook about once a week and clean up once.

$ Woman: What about breakfast and lunch?

$ Man: Oh, well, you’re on your own for that, but the dinners are just fantastic. It’s like eating in a different ethnic restaurant every night. You know, because the guys are from different countries.

$ Woman: That sounds good.

$ Man: And it costs about half what it did to live in the dorm. But really, I’m doing it because it’s a great experience living with people from so many different countries. My best friend in the house is from Korea. My roommate’s from Brazil. And I’ve got friends from . . . well, just about everywhere.

$ Woman: But you don’t have to live in the house to belong to the club.

$ Man: No, no. There are about a hundred members in the International Student Association. Only guys live in the house, but there are a lot of women in the association.

$ Woman: I wish I had time to do it. It really sounds interesting.

$ Man: You’ve got to relax sometimes. Anyway, we meet at the house the first Friday of the month from seven to ten. We have a buffet dinner and after that, we have a short meeting. That’s when we plan our activities, like the talent show and picnics and dances. Then a lot of the people stay for music and a party, but some people leave after the meeting.

$ Woman: So it’s only a couple hours a month. Man: Right. Listen, why don’t you come over next Friday for the meeting, as my guest, I mean. You have to eat anyway. And if you have a good time, you can think about joining.

$ Woman: Next Friday? Well, I don’t know . . . I usually study on Friday night, but . . . I could take a break . . . Sure I’ll come over . . . but I might have to leave early.

$ Man: Great.






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