
18年4月15日大范围托福考试考前预测之独立写作篇 真题直达

1 Some people say that teachers and parents should decide what assignment or activities children should do after school. Others say that children should make these decisions on their own. Which view do you agree with and why?
来源:北美 分类:Activity 属性:重点预测
总观点: 同意老师和家长决定孩子们的课后活动。 分论点1: 家长和老师经验丰富,能够给予孩子更有效的建议和帮助。 论述:运用举例的论证方法,以Bob为例,阐述了母亲对他的帮助,因而支持了分论点1。 分论点2: 能够预防孩子进行危险活动。 论述: 运用了自然延伸和举例的论证方式,提到孩子缺乏常识,很多时候无法做出正确的抉择,并以发生在自己家乡的一件事为例进一步支撑分论点2。 让步段: 孩子进行自己喜爱的活动会获得更多快乐,但是有家长和老师的帮助,他们会收获更多。 论述: 运用了举例论证方式,以表哥为例,阐述了他的老师对他的帮助。 结论: 让家长和老师来决定孩子的课后活动会更好。
Nowadays, some claim that kids should choose what to do after school by themselves because parents and teachers could not know what children really like. However, in my opinion, both teachers and parents should be responsible for children's mental and physical health, so they are entitled to make decisions about children’s after-class activities. To start with, parents and teachers have abundant life experience, so they can give some really useful and helpful suggestions to students, which can help them learn things more efficiently and effectively. After all, children need to be cultivated to form good habits. Take my little brother Bob for example. Bob is a boy who loves to read books a lot, and he regards author as his future career. However, what he does is only to read some novels for several months because he knows little about how to improve writing skills. Fortunately, his
2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People in the past are more interested in improving their neighborhood (the area where they live) than now.
来源:北美 分类:Society 属性:重点预测
总观点: 现在邻居之间的关系并不亲密。 分论点1:迫于学业和事业的压力,人们没有时间和精力来经营与他人的关系。 论述:运用了自然顺延和举例的论证方法,阐述了现代人忙于工作和学习,从而忽视了经营与邻居之间的关系。 分论点2: 现代人更愿意回到家后独处,远离喧嚣。 论述: 运用了自然顺延的论证方式,阐述了大多数人过着忙碌的生活,因此更愿意回家后放松自己。 分论点3: 现代社会,人与人之间缺乏信任。 论述:运用自然延伸的论证方式阐述了一些负面信息的散布使得人们更加谨慎,因此很难轻易去相信他人。 结论: 现代人不太热心于与邻居交往。
As science and technology advance, the connection among people is actually loosened. More young people prefer to play video games on computer rather than communicate with friends or families. The relationships between neighbors are not so closed. As far as I am concerned, the reasons can be explained as follows. To begin with, because of pressure at work or study, people have no time or energy to deal with the relationships with other. It is obvious that people rush to their work place or school in the early morning and come back late in the evening. They even have no time to relax or have a rest at weekends. Since they pay all their attention and conc
3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? While parents have the responsibility to educate young people about healthy eating habits, schools should also be responsibile for this.
来源:北美 分类:Health 属性:重点预测
总观点: 学校应该注意培养孩子的吃饭习惯。 分论点1:培养健康的饮食习惯对孩子有利。 论述:运用了举例的论证方法,以一项研究为例,阐述了培养健康饮食习惯对孩子的好处。 分论点2: 培养孩子的饮食习惯对学校有利。 论述: 运用了自然顺延和举例论证的方式,阐述了培养孩子健康的饮食习惯有助于提高学校的声誉。 结论: 学校应该承担起培养孩子饮食习惯的责任。
Whenever flipping through pages, turning on the televisions or logging onto the internet, we can see extensive press coverage concerning healthy. As a matter of fact, especially for young people, a good eating habit is to human’s health what the foundation is to a skyscraper, water is to fish and the heart is to a human. It’s clear that parents are responsible for the young to develop healthy eating habits. From my standpoint, I think that school which plays a crucial role in the young’s life should also pay attention to their eating habits. To begin with, it is beneficial for young people to develop a healthy
4 Someone thinks that scores should be the sum total of the scores of many assignment while others think that the scores should be the results of 1 or 2 exams. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
来源:北美 分类:Education 属性:重点预测
总观点: 个人认为成绩应该由作业的成绩进行综合。 分论点1:现在的评分体系并不能客观地反映事实。 论述:运用了自然顺延的论证方法,阐述了如果有学生在一两次考试中失败就会失去进入理想大学的机会,然后以自己为例进行了展开。 分论点2: 现在的评分体系对培养孩子健康的学习习惯不利。 论述: 运用了自然顺延的方式,阐述了这样的评分体系就会造成一些学生花心思得高分而不是真正钻研和学习知识。 让步段: 承认现在的评分系统的一些优势。 论述: 但是,总体来说弊大于利。 结论: 支持将多次作业成绩进行综合的评分系统。
On contemporary society, scores serve as a decisive factor in one’s future. Thus, someone holds that the present marking system has its deficiency and appeals to the relevant people to perfect the Grading System. In my opinion, I agree with proposal for the following reasons. First and foremost, the present Grading System cannot objectively reflect the truth. It is not fair for someone who performs well but accidently fails to the 1 or 2 exams because they will lose the chance to be admitted to their desired universities. Take my experience as an example. I was the top student in my senior high school and got the high marks in every month exams but
5 The community you live in is planning on setting up new facilities, which of the following do you think would benefit the community most and why? 1. a shopping mall 2. an art center 3. a hotel
来源:北美 分类:Society 属性:重点预测
总论点:选择建商场,因为建商场能为社区带来更多好处。 分论点1:商场能够为社区的人们提供更多便利和丰富多彩的生活。 论述:商场建在社区里非常方便,孩子们能买玩具,女孩们可以购物,人们能买到各种需要的商品。同时商场里还有电影院和饭店,是约会的好去处。 分论点2:建商场能够带来更多利润, 而建艺术中心和旅店利润不够高。 论述:艺术中心利用率不高,没有那么多艺术展,中国人对艺术展的兴趣不大,维护的花费却很大。而建旅店没有必要,因为已经有足够多的旅馆了。 总结:建商场是更好的选择,因为既能带来便利,又能获得利润。
Without a doubt, the business I would prefer is a shopping mall if my community happens to have a piece of vacant land. The benefits of introducing a shopping mall are bound to outweigh a performing art center as well as a hotel. To begin with, people living in the community would live a more convenient and colorful life. Shopping plays a pivotal role in every family. If there is a shopping mall within walking distance, it will be a fantastic for everybody. They don’t have to spend half an hour or even an hour on the way to the nearest shopping mall. It is definitely a great place for kids who are eager to buy toys and for girls who are crazy about shopping, s




