

1 Some people speak out in class, others prefer to listen and quietly observe. Which do you think leads to greater success in school? Explain why you think so. 
来源:北美 分类:Education 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: Main Idea: Prefer to speak out in class Reason 1: It’s the best way to learn. - develop confidence - build up public speaking skills Reason 2: Hear multiple points of view - learn a lot beyond textbooks - understand how an idea works in real life
Personally, I prefer to speak out and discuss things with my peers. I would say the best way to learn is to speak out my ideas and thoughts about issues in question. It is a great chance for me to develop my confidence
2 Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of large group of people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?
来源:大陆 分类:Suggestion 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: Opinion:2 suggestions Suggestion 1: Practice more. - hold every chance to speak Suggestion 2: Prepare for the speech - Write a draft -Get the slides in order -Rehears at the speech location
The following suggestions can be useful for someone who has stage fright. First, practice makes perfect. Don’t waste any chance to speak in public. He or she can start with an environment
3 Which of the following activities should the university give rewards to its high performance? 1. Volunteer service 2.Atheletic achievement 3. Academic performance
来源:北美 分类:Education 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: Reward volunteers. 1、More attention should be paid to volunteer work. -insufficient attention has been given to volunteering. 2、One should be compassionate about others.
Well, personally, I would say school should reward students who are active in doing social volunteer work. Actually, university is not merely about sports and academics, and frankly,
4 Do you prefer big family or small family? Please give your answer with specific examples and details.
来源:北美 分类:Choice 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: Prefer small family. 1、Don't need to deal with complicated relationships. 2、It's peaceful and quiet. - big families are crowded and noisy. - do not need to wait for turns to use the bathroom - agree on big decision easily.
Personally, I prefer to live in a small family since you don't have to deal with too complicated relationships with lots of family members. For example, if there are lots of members in the family, one has to go the birthday
5 Which one of the following characteristics does your friend value most: cheerfulness, kindness or intelligence? Please choose one and use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
来源:北美 分类:People 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: They like kindness. 1、rub off on others and make them better people e.g Do volunteer work at an orphanage. 2、be kind to all friends.
I believe what my friends like the most about me is my kindness. First of all, some of my friends say that my kindness kind of rubs off on them and makes them better people. For instance, I volunteer at an orphanage out of town every Saturda




