托福独立口语高频话题应对模板和高分范文分享:technology changes people's lives

小站整理2020-04-13 15:36:24




Choose one of the forms of the technology in the list and explain how it changes(has great impact on)people's lives in your country?

a. airplane

b. computer

c. television


I think computer has great impact on people’s lives in my country. First, it has greatly changed the way of searching information. In the past, people looked for information mainly by going to the library to find certain books, which often costs them such a long time to get what they want. But now, you just have to type some key words in search engines to get whatever you want immediately. It is much faster than before. Second, it is very convenient for people to keep in contact with each other, even when living in different countries. It breaks the limitation of distance. For example, my relatives are living in the US now, but we still can chat with each other through FaceTime to share our daily life.



1.【形容词最高级】I think computer has the great impact on people’s lives in my country. 如果后边是greatest那这是形容词最高级,就必须加the,但既然这里不是用最高级,那就不用加the了。

life这个词,如果当“人的生活”讲,则不可数,如:everyday life, daily life;但如果当“人的一生”讲,那就既可以可数,又可以不可数,如:in people’s life/ lives都是对哒!不过,在写作中请一定不要忘记life的复数形式是不规则变化,不是简单加s。

2.【动词时态】First, it has greatly changed the way of searching information. 原来的说法是忘记了单数,但是即使改成了changes,这个时态还是不够准确。其实是技术【已经】改变了我们搜寻信息的方式——从搜索引擎面世的那一刻开始——这是【过去发生的】事情,对【现在】有影响,用现在完成时会更加准确。


3. 【平行结构】原来的说法 In the past, people looked for information mainly by going to the library, finding the certain books and then got what they want. 前面都是by doing sth.的方式状语在并列:by going, finding 那这个and后边也应该是doing sth.才对。但又不能直接说:by going, finding and getting因为并不是by getting what they want,实际上get what they want是最后的【结果】,而非过程中所采取的方式。因此改为:going to the library to find certain books, which often costs them such a long time to get what they want

4.【固定搭配】type some key words on in search engines to 这里请注意:type sth. in (= write information on a computer)意思就是“把……键入(计算机)”,介词是in不是on,可以这样记忆“把……键【入】”,所以是in。

5.【形容词比较级】It is much more faster than before. 这里请注意,经常见到有同学写出这样的句子,much + more + 形容词比较级。这里的much是副词,可以保留,用来修饰形容词比较级;而more是专门和多音节的形容词放在一起组成比较级,如more comfortable。这里已经faster,所以不用再加more。

6.【用词不当】Second, it is very convenient for people to +keep in contact with each (others) other, even +when living in different countries.

1)contact with sb.的意思是是“和某人接触”,但是无论是从computer的作用还是Eling后边的例子来看,这里想表达的都不是这个意思,而应该是“和某人保持联络”。那么,可以用stay/ keep in contact来表达。

2)each的意思是就是“每一个”,所以后边要接单数名词。这也是很多同学经常犯的错误之一。小编建议大家应该将each other这样的说法牢牢记住,形成条件反射,考场上就不会错了。

7.【表达推荐】It breaks the limitation of distance.也可以说It removes the limitation on distance.

8.【the的用法】For example, my relatives are living in +the US now, 因为US是United States的缩写,这种两个普通名词构成的专有名词前面一定要加the,就比如:联合国 = the UN (United Nations) 英国 = the UK(United Kingdom)


I think computer has the great impact on people’s lives in my country.


First, it has greatly changed the way of searching information. In the past, people looked for information mainly by going to the library to find certain books, +which often costs them such a long time to get what they want. But now, you just have to type some key words on in search engines to get whatever you want immediately. It is much more faster than before.


Second, it is very convenient for people to +keep in contact with each others other, even +when living in different countries. It breaks the limitation of distance. For example, my relatives are living in +the US now, but we still can chat with each other through FaceTime to share our daily life.









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