托福口语task 1真题训练 Describe a job or career that you are not suited to but still admire.

小站整理2018-05-09 11:31:45

摘要:托福口语task1话题主要围绕一件重要的事情,一次喜爱的活动,一个对自己有影响的人……等展开,要求考生详细描述给出理由,针对托福口语task1,我们来看一道难度适中的真题:Describe a job or career that you are not suited to but still admire.描述一个你钦佩但不想接受的工作或职业。

托福口语一共包含6大类任务,其中托福口语task 1和托福口语task 2为托福独立口语,考察考生用英文表达自身独立观点的能力;托福口语task 1话题主要围绕一件重要的事情,一次喜爱的活动,一个对自己有影响的人……等展开,要求考生详细描述给出理由,针对托福口语task 1,我们来看一道难度适中的真题:Describe a job or career that you are not suited to but still admire.描述一个你钦佩但不想接受的工作或职业。

For me, doctors fit the bill. I feel this way for the following reasons.

Admittedly, it is an honor to be trusted with another human being's health and well-being. Patients trust their physicians with their most personal and intimate matters. In hearing people's stories and helping people at their most vulnerable, doctors have a unique window into the human experience.

However, the cost of becoming a doctor has soared, while average salaries are declining. The financial incentive is simply no longer there. Moreover, most doctors enter the field thinking they'll be able to spend most of their time healing the sick, yet the burden on doctors has become crushing and complicated. In this case, even though I admire the job, I don’t want to take it.



personal and intimate matters:个人的私密的问题,可以理解为个人隐私 at their most vulnerable:在他们最脆弱的时候,是一个固定搭配 has soared:soar表示大幅度上涨

以上就是关于托福口语task 1 Describe a job or career that you are not suited to but still admire.的真题剖析,想要在考场上做到心中有数,平时一定要注意触类旁通,要在备考托福口语过程中不断加强练习与反思。






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