托福独立口语入门段真题训练 Modern people are healthier than people who lived 100 years ago.

小站整理2018-05-07 19:32:22

摘要:托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语基础较弱的入门阶段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Modern people are healthier than people who lived 100 years ago.

托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语基础较弱的入门阶段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Modern people are healthier than people who lived 100 years ago.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern people are healthier than people who lived 100 years ago.


Well, I definitely disagree with it.

People in the past had a much healthier lifestyle. They used to walk many miles per day, so exercising was simply a part of their daily routine. People in the past weren't addicted to smartphones, laptops, or social networks, all of which are thought to cause insomnia. This inability to sleep is dangerous and is tied to all sorts of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease. Lack of sleep limits our mental and physical abilities overall.

Furthermore, people 100 years ago never relied on medicines such as antibiotics to cure fever or headache, they simply let ailments heal on their own. With the help of a good diet and sufficient sleep, they became immune to certain diseases. Also, natural resources such as air and water were less contaminated in the past, so pathogens were less likely to be introduced into their lives.



1. Outline

不同意现在的人更健康 R1: people had healthier lifestyles in the past 过去人们的生活方式比较健康 R2: clean environment and less drugs 环境更好,没有滥用药物

2. Vocabulary

routine 日常生活 insomnia 失眠 obesity 肥胖 diabetes 糖尿病 cardiovascular 心血管的 antibiotics 抗生素 immune 免疫 contaminated 受污染的 pathogens 病原体






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