
小站整理2017-02-08 10:38:18




官方真题Official48听力在线练习:Conversation 1



The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues and internal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeks until certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the organism's clock to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment. (官方真题Official13, 46)



Vote in favor of 投票赞成

Work out a solution 想出解决办法

As a token of 作为...的征兆

Take responsibility 承担责任

Be beneficial to 对...有益

Be critical of 对...持批判态度

Break a bad habit 改掉坏习惯

Do something as a routine 按常规做某事

Have a workout 锻炼




Getting advice from people who are older than you is more valuable than from people of your age.


Since any individual, whether young or old, will encounter various problems and troubles throughout the whole life, it is certainly necessary to consult others for suggestions and solutions. Nowadays many young people hold that advice from their peers is usually more valuable than that from people of older age, because people at the same age are more likely to understand their situation. However, as far as I am concerned, it is a wise move to listen to the older people’s suggestions, because rich experience and profound knowledge accumulated by older people will offer us a proper guidance in many ways, especially in the aspects of receiving education and hunting for a job.

First of all, consider the educational issue. Obviously, students are constantly faced with various upcoming problems and puzzles in the course of furthering their study. As for high school students, the would-be undergraduates, how to successful apply for an ideal university and choose a promosing major usually matters a lot. In order to unravel the above puzzels, they had better consult those people of older age who will give advices such as passing TOEFL with top score and participating various extracurricular activities. In fact, the above experience is exclusive to those who have undergone the whole process of applying for university. Also, as newcomers entering college or universities, the freshmen are usually confronted with various troubles while embarking on the brandnew campus life. To be specific, some students from disadvantaged families may be concerned about how to gain scholarship from school. The sophermores and junior students are likely to provide practical instructions instead of their classmates.

Furthermore, the same logic can apply to job-hunting. After leaving schools, graduates will enter the highly competitive job market. Due to the lack of knowledge of the real working environment, they are in great need of instructions and suggestions from senior employees. To be specific, senior employees can hold a interview training, in which students will be informed of how to dress up, how to write a resume and how to respond to the questions from interviewers. Also, the skills of communicating efficiently with the employers and the ability to get along well with co-workers will be imparted to potential employees. On the contrary, people at the same age with us are also still feel confused about how to seek an ideal job, thus reducing the value of the suggestion given by them.

Admittedly, the generation gap between us and people of older age may poses an obstruction to communication between them. However, the above claim is far from the truth. With the improvement of educational background on the part of the elder, they are able to guide yongsters in a more acceptable way and thus the gap between the younger and the older can be well bridged.

In conclusion, the advice from the elder is of greater value than that from the peers, especially when we meet problems in education and career.








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