
小站整理2023-10-10 17:32:07



  1. 确定主题和论点:首先,要确定辩论的主题和需要阐述的论点。可以通过解读题目或者听取指导来明确主题和论点。

  2. 提出论据:针对论点,需要准备一些支持或者反对的论据。这些论据可以包括事实、数据、事例、理论等,并且需要在文章中进行详细阐述。

  3. 构建文章结构:辩论话题的正文可以包括引言、主体和结论三个部分。

    • 引言:在文章开头,需要用简洁明了的语言提出论点,并说明将要讨论的主题。
    • 主体:在主体部分,需要详细阐述支持或反对的论据,并对这些论据进行解释和分析。可以使用一些连接词和短语来连接各个段落和句子,例如“for example”、“in addition”等等。
    • 结论:在结论部分,需要再次强调论点,并提出一些总结性的看法。可以重申自己的立场,并给出一些补充性的观点或者建议。
  4. 注意语言和逻辑:辩论话题需要使用准确、清晰的语言进行阐述,同时需要注意逻辑性。需要保证每个论据都是与论点相关,同时要注意文章的连贯性和条理性。

  5. 检查语法和拼写:最后,在完成文章后,一定要仔细检查语法和拼写错误。如果可能的话,可以让英语母语人士或者其他英语学习者帮忙检查,以避免出现不必要的错误。


Should we ban the use of plastic bags in our city?

The use of plastic bags has been a controversial topic in our society. Some people argue that we should ban the use of plastic bags in our city to protect the environment, while others believe that this ban would have negative impacts on businesses and consumers. In this article, I will argue in favor of banning plastic bags and explain why this ban would be beneficial for our city.

Firstly, banning plastic bags would help to reduce the amount of waste in our environment. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and can remain in the environment for hundreds of years. Banning plastic bags would encourage people to use reusable alternatives, such as cloth bags, which are more environmentally friendly.

Secondly, banning plastic bags would help to protect wildlife from plastic pollution. When plastic bags are washed into the ocean, they can be mistaken for food by marine animals and can cause them to starve or become tangled up in the bags. By banning plastic bags, we can reduce the amount of plastic pollution in our oceans and protect marine life.

However, some people might argue that banning plastic bags would have negative impacts on businesses and consumers. They might claim that it would increase costs for businesses and force consumers to bring their own bags or pay extra fees for bags.

Firstly, banning plastic bags could have negative impacts on businesses. Many businesses rely on plastic bags as a convenient and cost-effective way to package and sell their products. Banning plastic bags could force these businesses to switch to more expensive and less practical alternatives, such as paper bags or cardboard boxes. This could increase costs for these businesses and potentially force them to raise prices or reduce production.

Secondly, banning plastic bags could inconvenience consumers and reduce their quality of life. Many consumers rely on plastic bags as a convenient way to transport groceries, carry personal items, and store household waste. Banning plastic bags could force these consumers to either bring their own bags or pay extra fees for replacement bags. This could create additional burdens for consumers and reduce their quality of life.






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