【汇总贴】2018年2月SAT官方每日一练 Daily Practice精华

小站整理2018-02-08 17:09:16

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每日一练实例:Writing & Language

After reading the passage, choose the answer to the question that most effectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Sometimes the question will include a "NO CHANGE" option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.

In recent years, several urban US airports have converted some of the unused land past their runways to provide habitats for honeybees. While airports may seem unlikely locations for beekeeping, many of them, in fact, have the potential to offer ideal conditions for an apiary (a group of beehives). The Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, for instance, hosts an apiary on a 400-square-foot area of land just north of one of its runways. This area is rich in Dutch clover, a preferred food source for honeybees. 1 The honeybees may thrive there in part because they aren’t exposed to the agricultural pesticides suspected of contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder. Though unorthodox, airport-based honeybee habitats can help to ensure that local regions have healthy populations of honeybees.

Select an Answer

The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?

A.Kept, because it provides support for the paragraph’s claim about airports being able to offer suitable habitats for honeybees.

B.Kept, because it acknowledges a counterargument to the paragraph’s claim about the benefits of apiaries.

C.Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph’s focus on airport apiaries by introducing an irrelevant detail about Colony Collapse Disorder.

D.Deleted, because it disrupts the logical sequence of steps outlined in the paragraph’s explanation of how to set up an airport apiary.



Choice A is the best answer because it retains a relevant sentence and offers a sound reason for doing so: because the sentence explains another feature of the urban airport locations—that they’re distant from areas that use agricultural pesticides—and provides support for the paragraph’s claim that airports may offer suitable habitats for honeybees.


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