
小站教育2016-08-24 15:30:43

摘要:新SAT语法部分(Writing and Language)在整个SAT的第二个部分,用时35分钟,共四篇文章,每篇文章包括11道真题。新SAT所考查的语法点侧重于篇章中句与句之间的逻辑关系,句子与段落之间的关系,需要考生从段落内容和文章结构入手才能解答真题。

新SAT语法部分(Writing and Language)在整个SAT的第二个部分,用时35分钟,共四篇文章,每篇文章包括11道题目。所涉及的四篇文章长度大约为400-450字左右,文章话题分别涉及职业发展类,人文学科,历史&社会学科,科学类。新SAT所考查的语法点侧重于篇章中句与句之间的逻辑关系,句子与段落之间的关系,需要考生从段落内容和文章结构入手才能解答题目。


材料:新OG TEST 2



This exhibit showcases sixty-eight miniature rooms inserted into a wall at eye level. Each furnished room consists of three walls; the fourth wall is a glass pane through which museumgoers observe. The rooms and their furnishings were painstakingly created to scale at 1/12th their actual size, so that one inch in the exhibit correlates with one foot in real life. A couch, for example, is seven inches long, and that is based on a seven-foot-long couch. Each room represents a distinctive style of European, American, or Asian interior design from the thirteenth to twentieth centuries.

The plainer rooms are more sparsely furnished. Their architectural features, furnishings, and decorations are just as true to the periods they represent. One of my favorite rooms in the whole exhibit, in fact, is an 1885 summer kitchen. The room is simple but spacious, with a small sink and counter along one wall, a cast-iron wood stove and some hanging pots and pans against another wall, and a small table under a window of the third wall. Aside from a few simple wooden chairs placed near the edges of the room, the floor is open and obviously well worn.

Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

A) furnished by their

B) furnished, but their

C) furnished: their

D) furnished, whereas



然后分析选项:A选项中,by是一个介词,后面只能接短语不能接句子,所以排除;C选项中冒号是解释说明的作用,用在这里与原文表意不符,排除;D选项中使用了连词whereas,虽然也有表转折的作用,但是少加了代词their会使句子表意不清,另外,whereas更多的用于对比和比较,比如 You treat the matter lightly, whereas I myself was never more serious. 你掉以轻心,而我从来没有比这更严重。表示两种情况的对比。因此,这道题选B。


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