SAT官方阅读每日一练 2018年6月6日

小站整理2018-06-06 17:48:19




Every day, countless new articles, videos and blogs are uploaded to the Internet. Most of these languish in relative obscurity. But a few go viral: they explode across the web, attracting the attention of hundreds of thousands (sometimes millions) of people in short order. Content that goes viral may remain in the public consciousness for days, weeks, or longer. So for those who want to reach a large audience—whether it's for a corporate marketing campaign or to promote a personal cause or to show the world your cat's amazing yodeling ability—the question of what makes content go viral online is important.

In our research, two of us (Milkman and Berger) have explored what it is that makes some content spread like wildfire and whether it's possible to deliberately achieve viral status. If so, what are the characteristics of viral content?

We examined what content on the New York Times' homepage is most widely shared, and what scientific research summaries are most likely to be passed along and found that viral content tends to be characterized by certain, predictable qualities. While content may be shared for many reasons, overall, content that elicits an emotional reaction tends to be more widely shared. In addition, stories stimulating positive emotions are more widely shared than those eliciting negative feelings, and content that produces greater emotional arousal (making your heart race) is more likely to go viral. This means that content that makes readers or viewers feel a positive emotion like awe or wonder is more likely to take off online than content that makes people feel sad or angry, though causing some emotion is far better than inspiring none at all.

Likelihood of Sharing by Video Category, on a Scale of 1 (low) to 7 (high)

Based on the passage and the table, the average score for the likelihood of sharing a video categorized as "sad" would most likely be ________


(A) below 1.

(B) between 1.51 and 4.62.

(C) between 4.81 and 5.

(D) above 5.


解析:Choice B is the best answer. According to the passage, "content that makes readers or viewers feel a positive emotion like awe or wonder is more likely to take off than content that makes people feel sad or angry, though causing some emotion is far better than inspiring none at all." This suggests that the average score for the likelihood of sharing a video that makes viewers feel sad would be higher than that for a video that inspires no emotion ("neutral," 1.51) and lower than that for videos that inspire a positive emotion ("cute," 4.62, and "funny," 4.81). Therefore, it seems most likely that the average score for a video categorized as "sad" would be between 1.51 and 4.62.



stimulating adj. 刺激的,令人兴奋的 动词stimulate promote[prə'məut]vt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销

score[skɔ:]n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱 vt. 记分 status['steitəs]n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

certain['sə:tn]adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 campaign[kæm'pein]n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动

overall[əuvə'rɔ:l]adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

neutral['nju:trəl]adj. 中立的,中性的n. 中立者,空挡的

consciousness['kɔnʃəsnis]n. 意识,知觉,自觉,觉悟 spread[spred]v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒


对文本信息的考察,包括1文本细节的考查 2文本论据的考查 3文本传达信息的考查

对作者写作技能的考察,包括1.单词/词组/句子功能题2.文本结构题3.观点态度题4.目的题 5.论证题





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