
小站整理2018-04-11 23:48:07

摘要:小站与你一起备战5月SAT考试。由SAT考试官方出品(SAT daily practice),每天一道权威SAT阅读练习题,在苦刷SAT真题之余,是保持备考状态并适当放松身心的绝佳调剂资料。众SATer可善用,本文为2018年4月10日SAT阅读每日一练,考察词义推测能力。


As the saffron tints and crimson flushes of mornherald the coming day, so the social and political advancement which woman has already gained bears the promise of the rising of the full-orbed sun of emancipation. The result will be not to make homeless happy, but society more holy; yet I do not think the mere extension of the ballot a panacea for all the ills of our national life. What we need today is not simply more voters, but better voters. Today there are red-handed men in our republic, who walk unwhipped of justice, who richly deserve to exchange the ballot of the freeman for the wristlets of the felon; brutal and cowardly men... More than the changing of institutions we need the development of a national conscience, and the upbuilding of national character. Men may boast of the aristocracy of blood, may glory in the aristocracy of talent, and be proud of the aristocracy of wealth, but there is one aristocracy which must ever outrank them all, and that is the aristocracy of character; and it is the women of a country who help to mold its character, and to influence if not determine its destiny; and in the political future of our nation woman will not have done what she could if she does not endeavor to have our republic stand foremost among the nations of the earth, wearing sobriety as a crown and righteousness as a garment and a girdle. In coming into her political estate woman will find a mass of illiteracy to be dispelled. If knowledge is power, ignorance is also power. The power that educates wickedness may manipulate and dash against the pillars of any state when they are undermined and honeycombed by injustice.

The underlined word "determine" most nearly means _____







Choice A is the best answer. When the speaker states that women "help to mold" the character of a country and "influence if not determine its destiny," she means that women can influence the country's destiny and may even "decide," or cause, a certain future for the country.


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