
小站整理2024-09-26 17:43:59

摘要:以下是在 SAT 写作结尾部分有力地总结论点的方法: 一、重申论点 简洁明了地重述 在结尾的开头部分,用简洁的语言再次明确地阐述文章的论点。例如,如果论点是 “Technology has brought more benefits than drawbacks to our society.”,可以这样写:“In conclusion, it is evident that technology has indeed brought more benefits than drawbacks to our society.” 避免使用与开头完全相同的表述,可以稍微变换一下词汇和句式,使重申更加自然。

以下是在 SAT 写作结尾部分有力地总结论点的方法:




  1. 简洁明了地重述

    • 在结尾的开头部分,用简洁的语言再次明确地阐述文章的论点。例如,如果论点是 “Technology has brought more benefits than drawbacks to our society.”,可以这样写:“In conclusion, it is evident that technology has indeed brought more benefits than drawbacks to our society.”
    • 避免使用与开头完全相同的表述,可以稍微变换一下词汇和句式,使重申更加自然。
  2. 强调论点的重要性

    • 接着,强调论点的重要性或现实意义。解释为什么这个论点值得关注,以及它对读者或社会的影响。例如:“Understanding the positive impact of technology is crucial in today's rapidly evolving world, as it helps us make informed decisions about its use and development.”
    • 可以引用一些现实中的例子或数据来支持论点的重要性。




  1. 概括主要论据

    • 回顾文章中提出的主要论据,简要概括它们是如何支持论点的。例如:“Throughout this essay, we have seen how technology has improved communication, enhanced education, and boosted economic growth. These examples clearly demonstrate that technology has had a profound positive influence on our lives.”
    • 不要简单地重复论据,而是要突出它们与论点之间的逻辑联系。
  2. 强调论据的说服力

    • 强调论据的可靠性和说服力,让读者更加确信你的论点是正确的。例如:“The evidence presented shows that technology is not only a powerful tool but also an essential driver of progress in various fields. Its benefits are undeniable and far outweigh any potential drawbacks.”
    • 可以使用一些强调性的词汇,如 “clearly”“undoubtedly”“irrefutably” 等,来增强论据的说服力。




  1. 对未来进行展望

    • 根据论点和论据,对未来进行合理的展望。可以描述如果按照你的论点去行动,未来会出现怎样的积极变化。例如:“As we continue to embrace technology and use it wisely, we can look forward to a future where communication is seamless, education is accessible to all, and economic growth is sustainable.”
    • 展望要具有一定的现实可能性,不能过于理想化。
  2. 提出具体建议

    • 如果可能的话,提出一些具体的建议,以进一步强化论点。例如:“To maximize the benefits of technology, we should invest in research and development, promote digital literacy, and ensure that technology is accessible to everyone. By doing so, we can create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.”
    • 建议要具有针对性和可行性,能够为读者提供实际的行动指导。




  1. 使用有力的词汇和句式

    • 在结尾部分,使用一些有力的词汇和句式,增强文章的感染力和说服力。例如,可以使用感叹句、反问句、排比句等修辞手法,使结尾更加生动有力。例如:“Let us not forget the power of technology to transform our lives. Let us embrace it, use it wisely, and create a brighter future for all!”
    • 选择一些具有强烈情感色彩的词汇,如 “urgent”“imperative”“vital” 等,强调论点的重要性。
  2. 避免冗长和复杂的句子

    • 结尾部分要简洁明了,避免使用冗长和复杂的句子。用简洁的语言表达出你的核心观点和呼吁,让读者能够迅速理解和记住。例如:“In short, technology is a double-edged sword. But with proper use and management, it can be a powerful force for good. Let's make the most of it.”
    • 可以适当使用一些简短的段落,突出重点,增强结尾的节奏感。
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