如何在 SAT 作文中运用连接词来提高连贯性?

小站整理2024-07-10 15:17:59

摘要:在 SAT 作文中,恰当地运用连接词可以显著提高文章的连贯性。以下是一些方法和示例: 表示顺序和过程

在 SAT 作文中,恰当地运用连接词可以显著提高文章的连贯性。以下是一些方法和示例:


  1. 表示顺序和过程

    • 首先使用“First and foremost”“Firstly”“To begin with”来开启论述。
    • 接着用“Secondly”“Then”“After that”“Subsequently”推进观点。
    • 最后用“Finally”“In conclusion”“Last but not least”总结收尾。

    例如:“First and foremost, we need to understand the problem. Secondly, we should analyze the possible causes. Finally, we can propose effective solutions.”

  2. 表示添加和补充

    • 运用“Moreover”“Furthermore”“In addition”“Besides”来增加新的观点或信息。

    比如:“The new policy has brought economic benefits. Moreover, it has also improved social welfare.”

  3. 表示对比和对照

    • 使用“However”“Nevertheless”“On the contrary”“In contrast”来展现不同观点或情况之间的反差。

    例如:“Some people believe that technology simplifies our lives. However, others argue that it causes more problems.”

  4. 表示因果关系

    • 用“Because”“Since”“As”表明原因,“So”“Therefore”“Consequently”引出结果。

    比如:“He failed the exam because he didn't study hard. Therefore, he needs to work harder next time.”

  5. 表示举例

    • 通过“For example”“For instance”“Such as”来给出具体的例子支持观点。

    例如:“Many countries have adopted sustainable energy sources. For example, Germany has made significant progress in solar power.”

  6. 表示强调

    • 借助“Indeed”“Certainly”“Obviously”来加强语气。

    比如:“This point is very important. Indeed, it is crucial to our understanding.”

  7. 表示总结

    • 运用“In summary”“To sum up”“Overall”来概括前文内容。

    例如:“In summary, various factors contribute to this phenomenon. To sum up, a comprehensive solution is needed.”




再提供一些 SAT 作文常用的连接词

如何避免 SAT 作文中使用连接词时的常见错误?

分享一些 SAT 作文中运用连接词的高分范文

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